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(when I was younger I met a girl named Mikayla, and she was seemingly my soulmate. However I let my social anxiety get the best of me and never even attempted to talk to her, much less ask her out. For a while it was one of my biggest regrets. This is a song about that. I also never claimed to be a songwriter...)

When I met you at age 14 it was like a dream
you were the cutest thing I'd ever seen
All I could think about was you...

I would pray to God to give me a chance
Any kind of chance, to talk to you...

But whenever I saw you nearby,
Or nearly knocked on your door
Something would tell me not to try
And I would listen to it just like before~

What if I had the courage to say
"Would you wanna hang out with me?"

I would see you walking down the street with your dog
Trying to think of something to say

The butterflies in my stomach would take over
I wonder if he kept gave me chances
And each time I would just blow it agian

I wonder if everytime I saw you
it was God giving me a chance,
And every one of those chances I blew
Just like I always do

Could we have been more then just friends?
If I had been brave enough to talk to you agian?

Would we have gotten married and had kids?
If my fear had not kicked in?

They say the things you don't do you regret the most
For me that was chickening out whenever you got close
Maybe I was scared you wouldnt like me back
Maybe I gave into some bad thoughts instead
of ignoring that crap
I wish I got the chance to know you
All i can do is just hope your happy at
the current point in your life you're at

Could we have been more then just friends?
If I had been brave enough to talk to you agian?

Could we have been more then just friends?
If I had been brave enough to talk to you agian?

Would we have gotten married and had kids?
If my fear had not kicked in?


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