About a week later Sarah got a call from a random number.


"Hi is this Sarah from the paint store?"

"This is she. Who wants to know?"

"Sorry. It's Katherine."

"Oh Kath hey!

"Hi," Kathrine said while giggling. Sarah won't deny or confirm if she blushed,"I'm calling to tell you that your story made it in the papers! Congrats!"

"I should be thanking you. It's your story after all."

"Well, then thank you."

"Say. Have you ever taken a painting class?"


Not even 20 minutes later Kath walked in the small cozy shop. Sarah looked beautiful as always. Kath didn't know if she could stand any longer. Her legs felt like jelly just watching the girl dance gracefully around her shop. She was in awe.

"Kath! Hi. Are you ready?"

"Yeah! So what are we painting?"

"Well you said on the phone that you have never painted before, so I thought why not something easy."

"And that is?"

"A snowman."

Kathrine burst out laughing. Sarah looked dead serious.

"Why a snowman?"

"Because. You can never go wrong with a snowman."

"Okay fair enough."

Sarah slowly but surely taught Kath how to paint. It was a challenge. It was almost like Kath was a 2 year old and had no idea how to paint. But somehow a snowman came out in the end.

"I have no idea how you managed to ruin a snowman but you did," Sarah said laughing.

"Hey, don't make fun of me, it was my first time doing something like this."

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Can I treat you to a coffee for your beautiful effort?"

"Sure why not."

And then Sarah made a bold choice. She slipped her hand into Kath's. Kath looked at their hands, back up at Sarah, and simply said, "Let's go!"

"Well hello there."Where stories live. Discover now