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It starts off with me and my cousins but it's really just my brother and my cousin doing this like marathon race thing and so anyways it starts off with this canoe portion or swimming portion and we get to the side of the stream thing and we like rocket past the competition so we were writing it and it's bumpy and shit and we get pushed out and we have to swim the rest of the way through this dream with rocks on the side and then we get out and we have to go across this walk thing and it starts off with small rocks but then they just get bigger and bigger and it hurts our feet and shit so we get on this platform when we can't take it and start going across so the rock portion ends and then there's this like snowy ground so me and my cousin jump off and start to jog/ run across it, my brother still on the wooden platform thing that just ends up going higher and higher so we finish that and the finish line is there in my brother is like super high up but he just jumps down like it's nothing and we finish it afterwards we're with more family and I see this chart of what we did and I was like that money part didn't feel like it was 10 miles and then it changes.

So me and my cousins were shit I just remembered how it started and it's really weird and not okay and I don't know why this was my dream but anyways I'm skipping over at part but anyways it ended up with my brother's asking questions and shit but anyway we then went to go play this really weird version of Mario Kart, like really weird and I remember at some point we were all on this thing you know like Mario Kart 8 or something you can construct your own cart well anyways we all had different like power ups or special abilities that we chose but the thing was we all got stuck together and it was useful but not really in the first lap was easy but the lap changed in my PowerUp was kind of useless because I didn't know how to control it and anyways then my cousin went and we got like unstuck or something and someone said that we were all scored individually so the shit happened and my brother got like 5th and I got like 7th and my cousin got like higher or something. Then we're playing this really weird version of Mario Kart and were like in the game and it's again, really weird and there's this Castle thing it wasn't really a race but I cried it out first and got 50 seconds when my brother wasn't looking and then we would against each other and I got 10.24 seconds cuz I realized how it worked

And then I woke up

And then I fell asleep again into a different dream

Me and my friend were trying to escape this one place I don't remember what for because like yeah and I'm pretty sure I was Deku and it was Mina with me so anyway we are trying to escape and we get into this car and all of a sudden I'm driving loona (??? I think it was loona but I can't be sure because I don't stan loona but that's what my dream self was telling me) so I'm driving loona members to a place but I have no idea where and then they're all singing EXO's growl in the car cuz that's apparently what was playing.

So we get to the studio in for some reason they start to like dance and it's kind of cramped in there trying to show these people why they need a bigger dance studio for like reasons or whatever but I'm pretty sure they're dancing to everglow's (I'm pretty sure it's everglow's it's the one that goes like " you're so dumb dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun you're so dumb!) And it's actually really cool to see it with so many members cuz they're like interconnecting but anyway

Then it's nct but its ot21 dancing to black on black and I'm seeing taeyong feeling kind of claustrophobic when he's dancing and anyway send they all go sit down or whatever and we're situating ourselves

Suddenly there's a lot of fucking people in we see jihoon(svt) hug yoongi(bts) because they're like best producer friends or something and anyways they all go sit down and then they start to play like a slideshow of all of us and people in the car and then they show this one black dude whose name I couldn't remember with Will Smith driving a car and it was a funny for some reason

So then they start playing anime characters and then I'm realizing that me and Mina have to get out of here so we get on our phones and then this one really strict manager comes over and it's terrible to be on your phone for some reason so I get singled out because I took the fall for Mina and then it changes

And now I'm with nct dream for some reason and they're outside and they're dancing and I remember it wasn't all of them it was just jeno and jaemin and jisung and renjun because yeah only way they're doing this vlive and chenle comes over because he's cold and they're like outside in the sky is like a Galaxy and anyways they all end up laying on the ground and it's really cute because lele is cold

And then I wake up

And fall back asleep again and have another dream

I don't quite remember this started but I think somebody died or went missing and like. So just stood end up going back to this place and I know it is from Abraham Lincoln(?) and the note and it's like how he wishes that his "black brethren" could have equal opportunity just like everyone else and shit like that so he burns the note that he's had for years so no one knows about his plans???? And then it ended

um so that's another dream i had the other night, crazy as the ones i always have lmao

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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