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I woke up and thought I was dead. I had no idea what time it was, but everything was bright. I blinked, looking around. I was at someone's house, but I had no idea who's.

I looked down at my arms; bandages covered them. I remembered what had happened the night before and laid back down, wishing I was dead.


I woke up again a little while later. The windows were open; I could tell it was daytime. I looked up to see Johnny sitting on the couch next to me. I smiled.

"Hey, Johnnycake." I said groggily.

"Mornin', Audree." he replied.

I scratched my head, looking around. He had a tuff house.

"W-what happened last night?" I asked. I had a splitting headache and my arms were bandaged up to the elbows.

"The Socs, they cut your wrists. They cut 'Greaser' into one of them and on the other, they made three massive cuts. I found you on the sidewalk a few hours later, and I honestly thought you were dead. I brought you home, stitched you up and put you on the couch, now here you are." Johnny explained.

Just then, I heard the door slam.

"Get in here, you worthless cunt!" a man's voice screamed. Johnny's father. But who was the girl?

She ran into the living room where we were. She had waist-length black hair and brown eyes like Johnny's. She was crying.

Johnny got up and ran to her.

"Poppy, go to the Curtis's. Audree will show you the way there. Go." he commanded. I've never seen him so protective before.

Johnny's father came barreling into the room. He began to slap Johnny. He fell to the ground.

"This is what you get, you worthless bastard, for bringin' girls into the house!" his dad started kicking him. I began to cry.

"Audree, Poppy, go!"

I grabbed the girl by her arm and we ran out.

"That's what you get, you worthless excuse for a child! Next time, it'll be ten times worse!" his dad yelled.

Golden | Johnny CadeWhere stories live. Discover now