Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Day four of my Paris trip; the one that Beau the escaped convict hijacked and made about him..

Yes it kinda sucks having to ensure my plans suit him, but in all honesty, I'm really enjoying having him as company.

"So what's the plan today?" Beau asks brightly as I slip on my knee high black leather boots over my skinny jeans.

"I think we should just relax today.. Go walking. See the sights. Marvel at the dream that is Paris?" I answer as I zip the boots up one by one.

"Sounds good." Beau nods in agreement.

Yesterday I bought him some more clothes; he's currently dressed in a pair of tight blue denim jeans and a black Vans t shirt. He looks good enough to eat!


"I always thought the Eiffel Tower was amazing and beautiful.. But just seeing it up close, it's just steel. It's so so.. Overrated." I grumble as I look up at the giant structure.

My hand is in Beau's as we walk around the tower.

"I guess it isn't as beautiful as everyone depicts it. It's just.. Just a frame really." Beau murmurs.

I like how we can actually have an adult conversation, and enjoy each others company.

We leave the boring steel creation and keep wandering, making our way along the River Seine.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Beau asks.

I nod, "it is."


Sat in a booth in a small cafe along side the River, Beau and I share breads and cream cakes while drinking coffees.

It's relaxing, and fun.

"I guess we should have the talk." Beau mumbles in between mouthfuls of a French stick.

"What talk?" I ask, spitting crumbs from my mouth.

Beau grins at my rude manners, and sighs, "us."

That one word has my heart flying through my mouth.


Is he ending this weird relationship?

"Oh." I whisper.

Beau grabs my hand and squeezes it, "don't worry.. I don't want to end things. I just want to.. Err.. DTR?"

I look at him with confusion, "DTR?"

Beau blushes.. CUTE!

"Define the relationship." He replies quietly.

"Oh!" I whisper loudly this time in exclamation.

Beau bites his lip, "ok.. I err like you Ariella. You're beautiful, strong, conmanding.. Self sufficient.. I like how you stood up to me.

I know we didn't start of conventionally, but I would love to see where this could go.

I want to be with you.. As your partner. Your, err, boyfriend." He hesitates as he finishes his speech.

My heart beat speeds up double time.



Escaped convict?


"Seriously?" I ask incredulously.

Beau bites his lip and nods; he looks vulnerable.

"Right.. Beau. Let me talk ok?" I ask, rubbing my temples, trying to understand my own heart, "I like you. I really really do. You're the only man to ever ignite a fire in my body like you do. It hurts me when you're hurt. I don't have a clue why, but I can't see myself with anybody else but you.

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