I've been tagged!!#2

53 8 30

Tagged by: Hodophile_SandHiller

What color is your hair?:
Naturally it's light brown, but since last October it's red!!

If you could have any super power, what would it be?:
The power to heal others, that or plant powers!!

If you could fix one of these problems World hunger or COVID-19, what would it be?:
Definitely world hunger!!

What is your dream job?:
A Military or ER Nurse. I hope to be a wife and a mother, but I don't consider those jobs!

Are you a single child or do you have siblings? Of so, how many and what are their genders?:
I am the second of nine siblings on earth and two in heaven! We have Six boys in our family and I have three sisters!

If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his iPod?:
Idk the science behind this so I'm gonna say yes?

What would you want written on your tombstone?:
Lol I'll be dead so I don't rly care!😂

Are you against killing animals?:
Nope. I live by the Bible and in it,  God says we can eat them.

Do you untie your shoes before taking them off?:
Entirely depends on the shoe

If a kid refuses to sleep are they resisting a rest?:

Who is the person you trust most?:
Either my older brother/best friend/partner in crime/practically my twin, or my two best friends itsxbrixx and LittleBitOfGrace(love you guys!!!)

What's your favorite word?:
Hmm. Idk. My favorite word to write in cursive is little!(does that count lol)

What's your worst pet peeves?:
I HATE being tapped. If I e of my siblings taps me to get my attention I have to resist the urge to swat at them🙄

Would you rather sit in the snow as it's falling or dance in the rain?:

Have to ever dropped food on the floor and picked it up an eaten it?:

Have you ever ridden in the back of a police car?:
Lol no

Would you rather know when you're going to die or when?:
Umm. None of those! I guess of I have to pick I'd choose how.

I tag







I've been tagged!! (And Other Random Stuff)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon