How to draw manga chapter 11: The foot

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Mostly shoes and socks cover the feet in anime, but you have to draw the feet before making shoes obviously so here we go
To start, find a picture of a foot online to copy from. Don't literately put your paper on the computer screen and start tracing it, cause I did that and it came out horrible. You may want to start with the big toe. Make a SMALL curve when approaching the big toe. Once you got there, make a nice solid curve going upwards and then start going down. Then keep drawing the next toe and then the next, and the next, and the last. You already their height starts to become smaller. Once you've done the pinky toe, make a SMALL curve inwards, and then out. In a straight line, draw downwards, once you've reached we're you know the leg ends, carefully curve behind it, then go upwards towards the big toe. Ta da! you made a foot!
I'm back! for winter break guys so now I can make more and more tutorials! See ya later.

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