Season 1 Special 1 Christmas Special

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"Hi guys, it's me Lightningdust and my co-host Blazingfire!" exclaimed the white flecked she-cat. "So today is our first annual Christmas Special!"

"Yep, we have a super long episode planed for you guys. Or at least Bluestar does. So for our first segment we will be interviewing a few kits, to see if they think Santa Claws is real," the dark ginger cat meowed to the camera.

A small gray-blue kit bounced onto the stage, obviously excited to be on the show. She sat on the plush chair that was much to big for her and gave a cute little kit grin. "Hi Lightningdust and Blazingfire. I'm excited to be on the show with you guys," the small gray kit explained.

"Hello Mosskit, we're also glad you came to join us on this very special episode," Lightningdust responded.

"Mommy's glad your here too!" Bluestar purred. The blue she-cat then ran onto stage and hugged the clearly displeased kit tightly.

"Bluestar... can't... breathe," Mosskit gasped.

"Sorry," Bluestar meowed and padded back to behind the camera.

"So Mosskit," Lightningdust continued. "Do you think Santa Claws is real?"

"Well being in Starclan I can actually see the toys getting delivered to all the toms and she-kits, so yes," Mosskit answered simply.

"Well thanks for your time Mosskit," Blazingfire meowed.

"You're welcome," Mosskit mewed, "It was my pleasure." The gray she-kit padded off stage and two other she-kits padded onto stage sharing the black plush chair.

"Hello Nightkit and Mistkit how are you doing?" Lightningdust asked.

"Good!" the two kits squeaked in unison.

"Well do you kits believe in Santa Claws?" Blazingfire asked.

"Well like Mosskit we're in Starclan, so we can see him," they answered together.

"Well thank you girls, now you can go," Blazingfire mewed.

"Oh do you girls want a cookie?" Lightningdust asked holding up a plate of mouse shaped cookies.

"Yes, and we'll take one to Mosskit as well," the two kits meowed taking three cookies from the blue garnished plate with snowflakes.

"We'll be back right after this commercial break," Lightningdust announced, smiling brightly.


A white she-cat came onto screen and grinned real big. "Hello all you kits out there! Are you tired of lumpy ice cream? Well fear not! Come on down to Icecloud's Ice Cream Shoppe!"

A deep voice followed the sweet chide, "Icecloud is not responsible for any allergic reaction concerning the ingredients, lumpy ice cream, eat at your own risk, thank you."


"And we're back," Lightningdust meowed.

"Yeah after a long discussion with Bluestar we've decided what we want to do next!" Blazingfire exclaimed.

"We had Pinestar's Pine Farm ship a tree into the studio and we're going to decorate it!" Lightningdust announced.

Both she-cats went backstage and came back with boxes of ornaments and rings of lights. All three she-kits came back to help decorate, swiping a few cookies from the platter every once in a while, while stringing the lights. Lightningdust pulled out a trampoline from the supply closet to get ornaments on top. Blazingfire helped the small kits get the star from the box and hang it up. Well with the help of a trampoline two ladders and Lightningdust. Hey the tree was extremely tall.

"Thanks for spending Christmas with us! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" All the cats on stage shouted.

A/N: Sorry for late Christmas Special, but it is here so late Merry Christmas

Last Revised February 18, 2015

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