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"You ready?" Luke asks Artemis as he leads the charge towards the police station.

"Born ready," Artemis says with a smirk before Luke turns, crashing through the first gate then knocking down the second. Brian and Dom follow behind Luke through the parking garage. Luke crashes through the wall creating a hole before reversing out of it. Dom and Brian back up to the hole before getting out of their cars. Luke, Artemis, and Elena get out of their car as they fire at the officers running their way.

They leave to go find Dom and his team. They find Dom and Brian on a bridge with nothing but destruction around them. Reyes falls out of the car as Luke gets out of his.

"Help me," Reyes begs Luke.

"That's for my team, you son of a bitch," Luke says as he shoots Reyes twice in the head. Luke, Artemis, and Elena walk over to Brian and Dom. "It's a hell of a mess."

"Yeah, it is," Brian agrees with him.

"You know I can't let you two go," Luke tells them before looking at Artemis, who gives him a stern look. "I ain't made that way. The way I see it, you've earned yourselves 24 hours. The money stays, though. If I were you, I'd use the time. Make peace with whatever demons you got left. Because come tomorrow, I will find you." Brian quickly gets into the car as Dom stops at the door. "Toretto!" Dom looks back at Luke. "I'll see you soon."

"No, you won't," Dom says with a smirk causing Luke to look at him confused before Dom gets into the car. Brian takes off as Luke, Artemis, and Elena walk over to the vault. Luke opens the vault to find it empty. Artemis then remembers what she heard over the walkie about the ten second window. Dom and Brian had slid the real vault into the back of the garbage truck that Gisele was driving. Tego and Santos, who were on either side of the garbage truck attached the fake vault to Brian's and Dom's cars. Luke and Artemis let out a laugh as they turn to watch the car drive off in the distance.

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