Small Mistake, New Path

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Eventually the first day ended. All the students scrambled out quickly. You caught up with the kid from this morning. They were practicing their levitation Quirk by lifting their bag. ("It's called Telekinesis!")

Unfortunately, you still had to walk home. Even more unfortunate, it was raining. The other kid, Ren, left you when their street came into view. You were all alone again. The rain flattened out your hair and got in your eyes. You weren't paying attention where you were going after that happened.

When you could see again, you saw a big building. It looked like your school in some aspects. But in others, it was the total opposite. Even in the rain you could tell that it looked pretty. The building looked to be made entirely out of glass and reminded you of the letter 'H'. You wondered what would have happened if a rock got thrown at it. Would it all fall down?

You saw a couple people around the front. However, the rain just made them silhouettes. It looked like there were three people. They were just watching the building and standing there. You looked around the area some more and discovered that you didn't recognize it at all. Maybe those people can help.

"Excuse me!" You ran towards them. "Excuse-!" Just as you were getting close, you slipped and fell in the pavement. When you eventually comprehended what happened, there were tears in your eyes and blood on your knees.

If you were wearing longer pants instead of shorts, then maybe you wouldn't be in as much pain. You started crying some more. You finally looked up and saw a girl and two boys. They had looks of worry and disgust on their faces. You wiped the tears away and tried to talk.

"Who are you? And where am I?" You asked. "I just need a little help, please." The girl glanced at your injured knees and for a moment you thought she smiled about that.

The girl was blonde and leaned down towards you. Her hair was also flattened out by the rain, but you could tell her twin buns were once upright. Her outfit reminded you of a school uniform. Perhaps she was a school girl. But the objects she carried with her made you question that idea. What kind of school girl carries cylinders on their shoulders, and bulky green bottles?

You turned you attention to the other two people. They were both boys. One had light blue hair and the other had a darker shade of hair.

The one with the sky blue hair had weird objects on him. They seemed like hands but you knew that they were fake. Hands are always on someone's arms. And hands don't come in those weird colors. Suddenly, you felt guilty and bad. His Quirk probably has to do something with that. You thought you were being rude, so you glanced over to the other person.

The other person gave you a mean look. He scared you. You were always told not to stare at someone too long. Chances were, their Quirk made them look that way. But this guy seemed to have been in an accident, and that he was stitched back up together. You thought that they did a bad job because he still had metal things on him.

"Oh, you're so cute!" Said the girl. "I'm Himiko!" She pointed to the other people accompanying her. "This is Dabi and Tomura." Dabi was the one who had the painful looking piercings. Tomura was the one with the weird hands. Himiko turned to you again. "What's your name?"

You felt shy. The lunchbox you carried was put to use as a barrier between you and the strangers. But she told you their names. As long as you know their names, you aren't strangers anymore.

"I'm [Name]. Can you tell me where I am?" You asked. Himiko looked confused.

"You don't know?" She glanced behind her, almost like asking what she should say. The two boys she was with seemed like they wanted to go, or not share any information. But Himiko shared with you anyways. "This is the UA High School building. Isn't it awesome? I know someone amazing in there. Students come here to train to be heroes. Did you know that?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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