Smart but Dumb

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Masaki P.O.V

"Like your new haircut Toshiro", said an overly happy Teruhashi.

"OH MY GOSH!! SHE NOTICED!!", your kidding right?

"Last night I came up with a few interesting facts about Canada? What about you?", I asked, trying to get back on topic.

"I came up with two", she said with a bright smile that made every male in this classroom pretty much ogle at her. Gross.

"Two? Well uh...I guess that's good", more like terrible. Two? TWO?!

"How much did you come up with Masaki?", more than you.

"Seventeen", I answered.

"Woah really? You must have been up all night", she said shockingly.

It took me thirty minutes, "Yup. All night"

"Alright class. At the end of class today you all should be finished with your 10 facts. If you already finished you can turn it in early for three extra credit points. Only if you turn it in now", said the teacher.

"We've finished our ten facts Saburo-sensei", Teruhashi said out loud.

"That's great. Bring it up girls so I can take a look", we both got out of our seats and brought it up to the teacher.

"Nineteen facts huh. You two deserve more than three extra credits points. Let's do five", I'm pretty sure he said that because of Teruhashi.

"Why thank you Saburo-Sensei", she bowed.

"Thanks Mr. Saburo", I said with an awkward smile. Might as well draw a straight line for my lips.

"You two can get started on the actual poster now. Here goes your facts", he said handing us back our papers.

"Will do", let's just get this over with.


"At least I got you", I frowned.

The brown delicacy just stood there. Mocking me in a way. Knowing I can't compare to it's perfect life. Delicious. Beautiful. Worthy.

"I know you think I'm crazy, but I'm not. It's like gods always on her side. She didn't even do anything. Only two crappy facts that weren't even interesting", I scoffed.

Maybe this is why I have no friends. I'm sitting alone at the top of the school speaking to coffee jelly, like it's a person.

"I guess being her partner has its perks. Instead of three extra credit points we got five. And the only reason we got Canada was because her fanboys insisted we have it. Well...she have it. They could care less about me", I said sadly. I stabbed my spoon into the coffee jelly and sighed.

"Do you think I'm good enough?", I asked the cars down below. My feet dangled over the ledge as I watched the people walk by not caring or even taking notice I exist.

"Guess not...whatever", I ate my coffee jelly in peace until my lunch break was over. Just a few more classes to go.


"That's all for today. Make sure to finish this assignment at home and turn it in first thing Monday morning", I gathered my things in a hurry to escape this hell for the weekend.

"Masaki", I should've packed up faster.

"Hey wassup- Kaido?", I thought he was someone else.

"I didn't call you. That was Toritsuka, but since I have your attention and all, I was wondering if your doing anything this weekend. There's this club I'm in and they said I'm allowed to bring a plus one for this event. It's kinda a cosplay thing. You can come if your interested into that kinda stuff", aw he's so sweet.

"Don't tell Toritsuka, but I'll see. Is it tomorrow or Sunday?", I asked.

"Tomorrow. I know I'm so last minu-"

"Here's my number. Text me all the details and I'll see if I can make it"


"Absolutely not. You agreed two weeks ago that you would go with me to the restaurant", Ugh I don't even remember agreeing to this.

"Why can't we just do it today? The day is still going and I'll just change really qui-"

"I said no Sakura. Tomorrow I expect you to be up and ready by ten. We have a long day ahead of us, so I suggest you go to sleep early", she instructed.

"But mom-"

"Sakura...I know your still new to that school and your just trying to make friends and hang out, but you already agreed to this. Just reschedule with them for another day ok. I have to finish cleaning, so please just go to your room and text your friend or something. I'm not in the mood", I grabbed my phone from the kitchen table and stormed upstairs.

Why do I have to go to that stupid restaurant anyway? There's absolutely no reason for me to tag along.

Maybe I can just- "if your thinking of bailing with another 'I'm sick' scheme then your surely mistaken young lady!"

How did she know?

"I think I feel a fever coming in", I said dramatically, acting as if I was dying in bed.

"Sure you do. Your still coming with me tomorrow", she yelled from downstairs.

It was worth a try.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I thought about what I was gonna wear tomorrow. I'm sick and tired of wearing those uniforms to school. The skirts are so uncomfortable.

Grey sweats and a yellow hoodie. Sounds perfect. That way I'll be comfortable and...comfortable.

Masaki: Sorry Kaido. Can't make it tomorrow.

Kaido: Aw man. Maybe next time.

Masaki: Next time for sure

I wish I was able to go. It would've been so cool. I haven't done cosplay in so long. Who would I dress up as? Maybe Azula from Avatar the last air bender. I have a lot of red in my closet. I could've easily made myself a costume.

Maybe once we get back from the restaurant I can put together and outfit for next time. Look at me. Thinking ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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