ᑢᕼᗩᕵᖶᘿᖇ 2

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Staring intently at my reflection, I squinted while carefully rubbing the spot appearing under the symmetrical split in my long straight hair. Paper towel on my other hand, I dabbed my face before tears could accumulate from my already puffy eyes. The spot was a hardly visible purple blob, but the stinging continued to linger.

    Art was my last period and I couldn't bear the humiliation of being soaked with a rupturing skull, so I fled the scene as quickly as possible. I didn't think anyone noticed, luckily.

    Sighing, I crumpled the paper and threw it out while removing my black headband. Turning to leave the girl's bathroom, I skidded to a stop as the door swung open. Lunging into the closest stall, I lock the door and sat back. Sure it would've made more sense to just walk past whoever entered, but my headband was off, my hair was a mess, I was crying, and I still didn't have a change of clothes.

Closing my eyes, I listened intently for a stall door to open and close, signaling my leave, but... nothing happened. Growing impatient, I contemplated how awkward it would be if I just left looking like I swan dived into the toilet. Suddenly, a soft whimper echoed through the poorly tiled room.

    Looking through the crack between the door and wall of the stall. (you know, that weird place where PEOPLE CAN SPY ON YOU WHEN YOU PEE) The same girl from earlier on the stairs with messy brown braids was leaning against the mirror. Through the reflection of the mirror, I noticed she was beautiful, even with tears trickling down her face. She was holding an assignment in her left hand while she wiped her eyes with her right sleeve. Tilting my head to see what was on the paper, I unintentionally unlocked the door. (When she raised her hands to better see, the latch undid because she hit it. Estupida) With a sharp gasp, the door swung open and the girl twirled quickly to face me in shock.

    In a swift instance of blurriness, I fell quickly only to be caught by the girl. Pressing against the counters that held the sinks I was caught face to face with her glinting, golden eyes. (Just let it happen guys. Idc if gold eyes are rare or whatever.)

"I-uh..." I put my hands up defensively and backed up. Glancing at the paper she was holding, I noticed the red 'F' circled on the top right corner. My embarrassment shifted into disgust and I looked back at the wide-eyed girl. She wasn't wearing a uniform so her dark blue sweater sagged well over her hands as she swatted the paper against her chest. I had already seen enough.

    Approaching the girl yet again, I grabbed the paper out of her hands and ripped it in half.

    "You really think you'll be successful with work like this?"

    Even with the rip I could see the many spelling errors and incorrect grammatical sentences she had written. Angrily turning on the tap water in the sink, I drenched the work. The girl let out a choked cry and reached for it, but it was already crumbling in her hands. I expected a glare, but she just raised her head slowly with a pure hurt blanketing her face. I retreated with a snarl and crossed my arms, not worrying about how wet I was. (d o n t y o u d a r e)

    "Why...? I never did anything to you" The girl mumbled while looking back down.

    I don't know why I was so mean to her. It wasn't like I had to be, or I would get rewarded for being rude. I supposed it was just my way of taking out my anger, and boy did it work. As she scurried back in the direction of the exit with her paper pressed against her chest, realizing she wasn't going to get a response, I acted on impulse and grabbed her braids yanking her backward. Letting out a cry, she fell back and tried to grab something. Instead of properly falling back on her butt or back, she tilted sideways and screamed as her head hit the corner of the radiator right below the window.

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