Ponyboy Imagine for _Outsiders__Girl_

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Here you go, it's finally done! This is easier than I thought! _Outsiders__Girl_
_____________________________________________________________________________________________Ring ring. The bell rang to let us know that we had to go to next period. Ugh. I have English next. The only thing good about that class, is that Ponyboy Curtis sits in front of me, whom I have had a longtime crush on. Before I get any farther, lemme introduce myself. I'm Merredith. I'm shy, sweet, kind, caring, etc. one thing about me is that I like to run, read, and sing! Ok, enough about me, back to the story!
Once I got into the classroom, I noticed that I was the last one. Once I sat down in my seat, Ponyboy turned around and smiled at me, showing his perfect rows of teeth that are blindingly white. I smiled back and got out my homework. I then realized that I left 3 out of the 10 questions unanswered. Ponyboy heard me gasp and turned around to look, then took my paper and wrote something on it. Once he gave it back to me, all three of the answers were filled in, and there was a note paper clipped to the page. The note read: "meet me under the bleachers in the gym after school". I wrote "ok" on it and passed it back to him. He smiled and then we both turned our attention to our teacher Mrs. Jordan, but I think I saw him try to steal a few glances my way when the teacher wasn't looking.
After English, I had to go to track. Today we are running a mile against the boys track team. Gosh, do I love running. Ponyboy and I are the best runners on our team. We had to pair up with someone closest to your speed, so I was obviously paired with Ponyboy. After everyone was paired with someone, we went to the starting line. My race was first. The whistle was blown, and we were off! By the last lap, we were neck on neck! I was so close...so close...YES! I beat him! This was a HUGE accomplishment for me. NOBODY on both track teams has ever beat Ponyboy. I feel so good!! But man, am I tired!
After school I made my way to the bleachers before anyone could see me. It was really dark underneath, and I could hardly see anything. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt someone lift me up and hug me from behind. I then realized it was Ponyboy.
"Gosh, Pony! You scared me half to death!" I shreaked.
"Sorry" he apologized.
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean to. So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked curiosly.
"Merredith, what I wanted to tell you was...what I wanted to tell you was..." He stuttered.
"What? What is it Ponyboy?" I started to get excited.
"What I wanted to tell you was this: Merredith, I have liked you for a very long time, and I have been wanting to ask you this for a very long time. Your kind, sweet, caring, nice, loving, cute, pretty, basically anything anyone could want in a girl. So I was wondering, Merredith, will you be my girl?" He asked with such confidence.
I stared at him for a couple of seconds, then smashed my lips onto his. After a couple seconds, we pulled away.
"So is that a yes?" He asked.
"A yes in every language. Yes, Si, Ja, Qui, Da, Shì De, Hai, YES!" I smiled.
We kissed once again.
"I love you Merredith." He smiled
"I love you too Ponyboy." I smiled back.
Sorry it's so short, I hope you like it!!!!

The Outsiders Imagines *(CLOSED)*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora