Seven - Crutches

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I open my eyes to a blinding white light. Somewhere beside me I can hear a soft beeping. I can smell flowers emitting a strong, sweet scent. I can also sense someone else in the room. I try to speak but my lips won't move. I feel like I have cotton balls filling my mouth. I try again, to no avail.

Once more.

'Leo?' I manage.

Come on. Keep trying.

'Leo? Leo?' I croak.

The person in the room moves to stand beside me. They are trying to say something. I blink a couple of times and my vision clears. It's Leo, black shadows surround his eyes and his face look sallow.

'Ollie? Ollie, thank god,' he whispers, 'you're awake.'

'Yes,' I reply.

I cough. Pain shoots through my body.

'Ow!' I cry.

Leo mumbles something under his breath, softly squeezing my hand.

'Where am I?' I ask.

The wall behind him is a light blue.

'You're in the hospital,' he says softly.


'Do you remember what happened?' he asks me.

'I fell. No, something else fell. It fell underneath me.'

Leo can tell I'm confused and interrupts my thinking aloud.

'It's ok. The doctor doesn't expect you to remember for a while. Maybe even a couple of weeks,' he says.

'Do you know what happened?' I ask.

'I heard a loud crashing noise and then you screamed,' he replies, 'you fell through the balcony railing.'

That can't be right, I think to myself.

I notice the bandage wrapped around his upper left arm.

'What happened to you?'

He glances briefly at his arm and then smiles at me.

'I scraped my arm trying to move the broken railing,' he laughs, then frowns, 'but it's nothing compared to your injuries.'

'What happened to me?' my voice is soft and barely audible.

'Two broken ribs, fractured leg, concussion, a large gash on your forehead, and lots of scrapes and bruises.'

I smile weakly and he smiles back.

'How long have I been out of it?'

'Five days, you've been in and out of consciousness,' he replies.

I think about that for a moment.

'It's Monday? I've missed so much school!' I gasp.

'Ollie, you're in the hospital, the school understands,' he smiles weakly.

'It's been a week?' I cringe at the pain racing through my lungs and ribs.

'Yep, and this is the most coherent you've been,' Leo's eyes are warm and dark, more so than their usual black if that's even possible.

He really cares about me.

'I'll get a doctor,' he adds.

He squeezes my hand softly again and leaves the room. I stare at the ceiling and wait.

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