Frankie the brave frog

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 Dedicated to my dear friend Frankie, the best friend anyone could have. 

 Frankie was confused, for a while Frankie hadn't felt like a boy frog or a girl frog. 
Frankie asked mama frog who sighed and said: "It's just a phase, you'll outgrow it."
Frankie asked daddy frog who only gave a dismissive shake of the head. 
Frankie asked friends who were just as confused as Frankie, not understanding what Frankie truly meant. 

 Frankie sat at the curb sad and alone still trying to find out what was wrong. 
An older frog hops over to the little frog and sits next to Frankie, "What's wrong little frog?" they ask.
Frankie looks up at them, eyes widen in awe as this frog is covered in pinks, blues, golds, silvers, and spikes. 
"I don't feel like a boy frog or a girl, but I like girl frogs and boy frogs, is there something wrong with me?" Frankie asks. 
The older frog smiles before giving Frankie two pins, one with yellow, white, purple, and black, "This is the none binary flag" says the older frog, "it means your not a boy frog or a girl frog" 

 Frankie nodded along as the older frog continued to talk, "It means you aren't a boy frog or a girl frog, is that how you feel?" 
Frankie was silent before speaking, "yes." 
The other pin was Pink, Purple, and blue, "And this is the bisexual flag, it means you like boys and girls" the older frog said. 
Frankie felt like crying because now Frankie knew they weren't alone and that others feel the way they do. 

 "But what if I'm too scared to tell anyone else?" asked Frankie, "Or I figure out someday I'm something else?"
The older frog gave a soft smile before saying softly, "Bravery isn't always being out, sometimes it's coming to terms with who you are and who you love, and even if maybe someday you are something else, that doesn't make you any less valid."
The older frog started to hop away when Frankie spoke up, "But your pins?"
"Keep them" the older frog laughs.

 There is nothing wrong with Frankie. 
Frankie is none binary and Bisexual. 
And Frankie is more importantly happy with who they are.

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