Chapter eleven: "Until the end of every..."

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A/N: This book is over, but the second one will be posted very soon. Follow Mina and Gerard's story in "Ghost of You." 

Summary: Gerard goes missing after prom night, and Mina is brokenhearted. Will he have a good excuse for disappearing for two weeks? 

Word count: 5.5K

Warnings: Cursing, and fluff, believe it or not. 


It's been two weeks since prom night, and I haven't heard from Gee ever since. I've called a few times to his house, but his mom keeps saying he is not there. I visited Elena as well, we played cards and talked about art, but Gee... nowhere to be seen. Jane has been pretty busy 'cos she got a summer job as a waitress in a small bar downtown. I don't know if Janie has seen Mikey. I don't think so; she would have told me. Yes, I am nervous. I don't know what is going on.

I'm in front of the computer screen writing a tale, home alone, with music playing loud. When the phone rings, I can hardly hear it, and I pick it up with a clumsy movement.

- "Hello?"

- "Mina? Hey, what's up?"- I jump from my seat and start walking around the room.

- "Gee? where are you?! I mean, how are you?"

- "I'm fine. Tired, actually. I just got home; this has been a crazy week, kitten."

- "Why? what have you been doing?"

- "I locked myself to write. I needed to work on a few songs, and I had to be on my own. I was alone in New York for like three days, and then the guys joined me to make music. I'm with Ray now, in my house. We just finished the last song for the album, we just need to record them, and we'll see what happens."

- "That is pretty cool, but why didn't you call? I was worried about you. I thought there was something wrong with you or whatever."

- "No, it's just that I wanted to be alone, really alone. No one knew where I was. I mean, it's not that I was hidden but... you know... but I'm ok, excellent... what have you done?"

I don't know how to feel about this call. I'm so happy to hear Gerard's voice, but why the fuck did he hide all these days?

- "I got my letter from college. Guess what?"

- "You made it, of course"- he giggles as I smile, feeling I'm dying to see him. To be with him. Like on prom night.

- "Yes, you are right. I made it. I'm moving to the apple this fall."

- "I knew it! You will be one hell of a reporter. Are you happy?"

- "Yes, I'm happy"- we both stay in silence. I don't know how to tell him. I wanna go out with him, maybe kiss him and never let him go again. I start biting my nails as I hear him drink something.

- "What are you doing?"

- "I just got a beer, Mina."

- "Gee, it's four in the afternoon."

- "But it is a hot summer afternoon, were you swimming?"

- "No, I was writing. I thought you were with Ray."

- "Yeah, he is here. Why?"

- "Nevermind"- I sigh, disappointed. I thought maybe Ray could keep Gee from drinking. But apparently, no one can.

- "Anyway, I wanted to tell you we are making a goodbye show tomorrow night."

My body tenses right away with those words.

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