the next day

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After dinner, Gordon had shown Karen to the room that she would be sleeping in. It seemed like the average guest room, nothing out of the ordinary, until she sat on the bed and felt something squishy.

Karen stood back up and gasped — A PLATE OF LASAGNA? How did that get there? It certainly had not been there before; unless her eyesight was like in the negatives which would be quite bad.

She took the plate of lasagna and put it on the night-stand before brushing her teeth and climbing in bed for some nightly rest.


Karen woke up to the sound of birds chirping and seagulls screeching- actually, that might not be seagulls, it might be Gordon. Glancing to the night-stand, she noticed that the lasagna was missing — oh well, she shrugged it off.

After getting ready for the day, the child found herself in the kitchen where Gordon was playing fruit ninja but in real life with the PLATE OF LASAGNA THAT HAD BEEN ON HER NIGHT-STAND. AND IT WAS LEVITATING

"You are to spicy!" Gordon said, whilst throwing what appeared to be an unlimited amount of knives at the levitating plate.

Lasagna would dodge the knives each time — perhaps even Gordon, the most powerful man on Earth, could never end the wrath of this magical Lasagna...

This fighting cutscene was quickly interrupted by the creaking of some door opening and some girl walking into the kitchen.

"Do any of you know where the cheese pizza is?" asked the girl, who is known as Amanda the Great.

Karen was confused and shrugged, while Gordon shook his head and the Lasagna just sort of did nothing.

"Where did you even come from?" Karen questioned, not really sure what else to say.

"Oh — I live in the basement," Amanda the Great answered. "Billy used to live with me down there but I think he got eaten by the black hole that shows up occasionally. NASA really needs to get back on that space grind or else one day we will all just become the black hole."

Karen blinked a few times before Gordon finally turned to Amanda.

"Billy is gone?" Gordon sighed, rubbing his face. "That orphan was always such a hassle, I think I spent half of the family funds on purchasing bananas, that was the only food he would eat. Let's hope the black hole rearranges his cells and keeps him for good."

Amanda nodded, "Well, I'm going to go back down to the basement and see if Guy Fieri wants to come over and have a dance-off with me."

With that final note, the girl would walk off, presumably heading downstairs due to the sound of a door closing shortly after.

After a moment of silence, both Gordon and Karen turned to face where the Lasagna was. BUT IT WAS GONE!


Will the Lasagna return? Will it destroy Earth and all of it's inhabitants? Who exactly IS the Lasagna? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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