Chapter 1: Running Away

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*Ashley's POV*

"God dammit Ashley! I can't take your crap anymore!" my father shouted at me, swinging his empty beer bottle at me. There were 4 more empty on the table, and 2 more full ones. Dad never used to drink this much, but then mom left a couple months ago...

"What're you gonna do then, huh?!" I shouted back, knowing my father would never hit me, no matter how drunk he was. I was so wrong.

"Come here you little bitch.." he grumbled and slammed his bottle across my face. The thunder cracked outside as the bottle hit me, the force pushing me to the wall. Tears pooled in my eyes, this wasn't my father anymore.

"Get out of here! NOW!" he yelled shoving me out of our house and into a puddle of mud. I picked myself up and ran. I didn't know where I was going, but wherever it was, it'd be better than here.

I was exhausted as morning came, I'd ran to the next nearest place I knew, Tulsa. I stopped at the nearest DX station to wash up a bit, and maybe get some food if I had any money. After I was done scrubbing my hands and face, I went and bought a bottle of water.

"That'll be.. Holy crap, Ashley?!" the cashier looked stunned.

"Um. And you are?" I said confused, the only people I knew here were my cousin Steve and his gang, but I moved away from them 3 years ago.

"It's me, Steve! Don't you remember me?" he said coming out from behind the counter, and hugging me.

"Is it really you?!" I cried, I'd missed Steve and everyone so much. Now, I'd probably spend the rest of my days with them.

"So what brings you to Tulsa?" Steve asked, my mood sinking.

"Dad..he kicked me out last night..after hitting me." I said, touching my bruised cheek.

"Really? Glory. I outta get you over to the Curtis', they'll take good care of ya today."

"Thanks Steve, but how am I getting there? I've forgotten where they live," I said, looking around.

"No problem, SODA!" Steve yelled and Sodapop Curtis came running from the back room.

"Whaddya need Steve-o?" he said, looking from Steve to me, then gave me the biggest grin I'd ever seen.

"I need you to take Ashley here to your place so she can get cleaned up and re-meet the gang." Steve said, starting to push Soda and me out the door.

"Well why didn't ya say so? C'mon Ash!" Soda said, grabbing my arm and pulling me to his car. We climbed in and off I was, to the Curtis'.

"So, what brings you back to Tulsa after 3 years?" Soda asked me.

"Oh, my mom left a couple months ago and my dad became an alcoholic. He abused me verbally, and then just last night it was physical." I explained trying to stay calm.

"I think you'll do just fine with us. Just like old times." Soda said cheerfully as he turned down a street.

I started to recognize some of the houses on the street, memories came flooding back.

*10 years ago*
I was playing around in the little pond we had in our new backyard when I saw two boys peek their heads around the corner of the house. Only being 6, I raced over to meet them.

"Hi! I'm Ashley! Who're you?" I'd asked them. They just stared at me. The younger of the two spoke up first,

"My names Ponyboy, or just Pony," he said, "and this is my brother Sodapop."

"Are those your real names?" I asked. Back in New York, I'd never heard those names.

"Um, yea," Sodapop said, "c'mon Pony, let's go home before Darry yells at us."

"Aww, really Soda? Bye Ashley!" Ponyboy said and waved as Soda dragged him away.

That'd been the first time I'd met them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" "Yo, Ashley, we're here." Soda said as he parked the car.

"Thanks Soda, I'll let you get back to work now." I waved to him as he drove off. I walked up the few porch steps and knocked softly on the door.

"Just walk right in!" a voice called from the back of the house. I opened the door and stepped inside, and it looked like almost nothing had changed in the 3 years I'd been gone. Same table, same couch, same tv, same everything.

"Ashley?" the voice from before asked. I turned around, and there stood Darrel, Darry, Curtis. The oldest of the Curtis boys, and the most like a dad in the gang.

"Yep, it's me, Darry." I said, and gave him a hug.

"Why're you back in Tulsa?" he asked. Jeez, I have to explain again. I told Darry what happened and he said I was welcome in their house.

"Thanks Darry. Mind if I use the shower?" I asked as I tried to get my fingers through my muddy hair.
Darry chuckled and said,

"Sure, just be quiet on your way up, Ponyboy's still sleeping." I made my way up the stairs, peeking in the rooms to find the bathroom. The first was Darry's room, next was the supply closet, then it was Soda and Ponyboy's room, and finally it was the bathroom! I closed the door quietly and started running the hot water. I stripped down quick and jumped into the shower. It was kinda gross seeing all the dirt come off me, but hey, I'm a greaser again.

As I was about to shut the water off, I heard the door open. Wtf, I thought to myself, and I peeked my head out of the shower to see who it was. And there was Ponyboy, standing in just his boxers, his eyes huge.

"Ashley?!" he yelled, clearly excited I was back.

"Hiya Pony, if you don't mind, before we talk more, could ya let me finish in here?" I said, making sure I wasn't showing anything except my head.

"Oh, uh, sure." he said, turning red, and stumbling out the door. I quickly finished up, but realized my clothes were gone. God dammit.

"DARRY! Where are my clothes?!" I shouted, hoping he could hear me.

"They're down here! I just finished washin em!" he called back to me. Great, I gotta go down there in just a towel. I suppose it can't be that bad, I've known these boys since I was 5, so what the heck. I slowly walked down the stairs to see that we'd been joined by Johnny and was that Two Bit?

"Look who we got here! Who's the lucky man, huh?" Two Bit said, grinning at me, making me go red.

"Idiot, I'm Ashley Randle, remember me?" I said, rolling my eyes. "Can I have my clothes now Darry?"

"Here ya go kiddo," he said as he handed my bundle of clothes to me. I trudged back up the stairs and back into the bathroom.

*Ponyboy's POV*
I'd just started my shower when I heard the door open and two soft thumps. Crap, Ashley's back in here. I made myself not look, it was nearly impossible, how could I not look at the girl I'd liked for the past 4 years? When I thought it was safe to look, I poked my head out, and coughed when I saw her only in her bra and underwear.

*Ashley's POV*
Once I'd closed the door, I dropped my towel and clothes and started to get dressed. I'd barely covered my "goods," when I heard a cough come from behind me.

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