Chapter 13: Christmas

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A/N: This just a special Christmas chapter I felt like doing because I was in a festive mood. It doesn't really connect to the story, but enjoy!
*Ashley's POV*
It was three days before Christmas and we still didn't have a tree up.

"C'mon guys, let's put the tree up!" I whined, trying to drag the tree box upstairs from the basement. I looked up and saw Soda and Pony looking at me and laughing.

"What? Am I the only one in the Christmas spirit?" I asked, dropping the box.

"No, we're just too lazy to help you," Soda said.

"Speak for yourself little buddy, I'll help you Ashley," Darry said, walking down the steps.

"Thanks Darry," I said, leaning against the wall. In no time, the tree was set up, but was still missing lights and ornaments. Soda went downstairs and found a couple tangled sets of lights and Pony found a couple boxes of ornaments. It was hard work untangling the lights, but we got it done, not without Soda getting tangled up in them though. I was going through the ornaments, when I found one with an old picture in it. It was a picture of Pony, Soda, Darry, and their parents that was probably from about 10 years ago. I hung it on the tree not thinking much of it, until Pony came by and looked at the tree. When he saw the ornament, he ripped it off the tree and threw it on the ground, then stormed outside.

"God, I'm so stupid!" I said, hitting myself in the head. I walked outside and saw Pony sitting on the steps, his head in his hands.
"Pony, I'm sorry I put up that ornament, I didn't know you'd react this way," I said, sitting next to him.

"It's not your fault Ash, it's just that this Christmas is the first one we've really celebrated since Mom and Dad died," he said, looking at me. His eyes were red, I guessed he'd been crying. I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"It'll be alright Pony, I promise," I said, ruffling his hair.

"Thanks Ash, you're the best," he said, laying his head on my shoulder. After watching the sunset, we went inside and finished decorating.
It's Christmas! I thought, jumping out of bed.

"C'mon Pony! Get up, the gang'll be here soon for presents!" I said, shaking him. He groaned and rolled over. I yanked the covers off him, and he finally sat up.

"Alright Ash, I'm comin," he said, rubbing his eyes. I went to go downstairs when Pony grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back against him. I was pinned against his bare chest, his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"What are you doing? I wanna go open my presents.." I whined like a little kid.

"I'm giving you your gift silly," he said, flipping me over so I was underneath him. He crashed his lips against mine and they moved in perfect harmony. He broke away and trailed kisses down my neck and collarbone, leaving hickeys. I pulled him back to my lips and slipped my tongue into his mouth, and he did the same to me. It was starting to get really hot and heavy when he broke away. I gave him a pouty look, and he kissed my nose before he slipped on his shirt from the day before. I fixed the ponytail my hair had been in, and walked downstairs with Pony.

"Merry Christmas you lovebirds!" Two Bit yelled as we entered the living room. To my surprise, the whole gang was already there, (A/N: including Dally, in this chapter there isn't any conflict between them) a bunch presents shoved under the tree.

"Hang on guys, lemme go grab my gifts!" I yelled, and raced back up to my room. Before grabbing them all, I put on part of Pony's present. I made sure I had all of them, and walked back down cautiously, the pile tottering in my arms. I passed them out when I got back. Darry was first.

"A cookbook? Thanks Ashley!" He said, flipping through the pages. Next was Soda, who I'd gotten a leather bracelet with "Pepsi-Cola" pressed into it. Then it was Two Bit.

"A case of beer? Haha, very funny Ash," he said, cracking one open. Next it was Johnny's turn.

"Gone with the Wind? How'd you know?" he asked, looking the book over.

"Pony told me you left it behind at that old church, so I got you a new one." Next was Steve, I'd gotten him a shirt I'd painted that said "You can't handle the Randle," and pulled out another matching one for myself. Next was Dally, I got him a small snow globe that had a miniature version of New York inside that I'd found down at the drugstore. Lastly, I handed Pony his gift. I made sure I was wearing the other half of his gift.

"A necklace?" he questioned, his eyes shifting to the one around my neck. The necklaces each had half of an infinity sign, his more rugged looking than mine, and mine said "forever" while his said "and always."

"I got them to match our promise rings," I said, spinning my ring.

"I love it, and you," he said, pulling me into his lap and kissing my cheek. From the boys, I ended up getting a new pair of converse, a few shirts, a few pairs of earrings, and weirdest of all; a box that had a note in it, which only said "Look up baby." I looked up and saw mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. I grinned at Pony and pressed my lips against his.
This was the absolute best Christmas ever.

Forever (Ponyboy Curtis FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora