Pt. 10~ cute surprise

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    Yn pov:

           I woke up to be alone in my bed. I looked around but nobody was in my room. The sun was shining threw my window and I checked the time. "10:17" it read. Crap. I got up and went to the bathroom, I brushed my hair and teeth, cleaned my face and washed my hands. When I was done I tweeted that I was streaming today at 5 PM east and went downstairs. I looked in the kitchen but nobody was there. I looked in the living room but it was alone. "Where's everyone?" I said to myself.

I decided to make myself a cup of honey milk tea and draw in my sketching pad. I made my cup of tea and took it upstairs as I sat at my desk. When I was settled and about to start the base sketch of my drawing I got a text.

Coopie 🐟:
                Hey babe. I don't know if your up but me and the boys will be home soon.

      Hi, I am. Where did you go?

Coopie 🐟:
                We went to some stores near tj, i just needed help with picking something real quick.

      Okey dokey, I have my earbuds in so i might not be able to hear you when you get home.

Coopie 🐟:
                    Ok, see you soon <3

       Will do :3

             After we texted I played my lofi mix and started to draw. I drew a girl, well her face. She had crazy makeup but it looked really good and creative. I was about to start to color when I suddenly felt someone wrap there arms around me. I jumped and turned around. "Hi cooper" I said and hugged him back. "Hey, I got you something" he said and turned to the bed. I looked over and saw a boquete of f/f. "Cooper!" I exclaimed and jumped on him. "Baby, this is so sweet!" I said happily as I gave him kisses all over his face. "I tried" he replied and hugged me tight.

         He put me down and I picked up the flowers. "Thank you, really" I said and smelled them. "It's no problem, you'll be getting a lot of sweet surprises for a while" he said and I kissed him on the lips. "You dont have to" I said as we pulled away. "I know, but I want to. To make you happy" he said and sat me on the bed. "Ok, but just know. I'm also gonna be making you sweet surprises" I said and pulled him in one last time to kiss. "Fine, fair game" he said and walked out of my room to let me continue with my drawing.

       I went back to my desk and put the flowers in a jar I had on the other side of the desk where it sits for people who enter my room can see. I sat on my seat and began to color my drawing. When I was done I checked the time. "4:37" my phone read. "Shit!" I muttered to myself. I grabbed some black sweatpants and a random t-shirt as I ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I waited for them to finish and once the door was open I practically pushed them out and turned the water on. "Sorry!" I yelled as I closed the door. "It's fine" they replied, I guess it was trav.

          Once I was done with the shower I quickly changed into my clothing and left to my room. I closed the door behind me and dried my hair with my towel. When it was almost all dry I let the air finish the job for me and brushed it really fast. I checked the time and saw it's read 5:02. I started up my games and the stream. I put the waiting screen and played a couple of songs as I got my stuff ready. After two or three songs I put my face cam full screen and greeted everyone, it read there where 57k on my stream. "What's up everyone? I know I haven't streamed a lot lately, but it's because of my moving and some other stuff. I wouldn't say I'm going back to my everyday streaming schedule but, I'm getting there. Anyways, how are you guys doing? I want to hear from you" I watched as the chat zoomed fast and I can barely read what they where putting. "I see a lot of goods, a lot of sad's" I said as I looked in the chat. "Well, if your good I'm happy to hear that, if your sad just know it gets better, trust me" I said and smiled at the camera.

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