Crumbled Past

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"Ai!"  I heard Eito banging his fists on my door. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips as I gently put the fresh red bean buns I made for Ken. He should be home by now from his mission with Guy. 

"If this is another prank Eito, I swear you will get a good beating from me." I laugh and walk towards the door.

"No. No, open the door hurry up." His voice was strained. Such impatience. 

I open the door to see my great friend Eito. His brown hair striking in all places and his dark eyes staring quickly into mine. He was sweating and his gasping for air. "For a shinobi, you sure are unfit." I chuckle. "Would you like some Anpan? I just made some."  I turn around and head to the kitchen but before I could any further, he grabs my hand and spins me to face him. His hands on each of my shoulders. 

"You have to come with me quickly." He says staring straight into my eyes. Before I could speak, he cuts me off. "Ken just came back from his mission but-" He stops speaking. The way he could not continue his sentence made my heart start to beat faster. "But he is in the hospital right now and-" 

My legs just moved on their own and I rushed quickly outside. I ran across the street, flawlessly gliding across people. I look up at the roof and decided to jump high and run on the cold cement tiles. I am not even wearing any shoes. I could feel my chest tightening, my throat drying with worry. What happened? That once warm and bright weather in Konoha suddenly turned cold and gloomy. The skies are covered with gray clouds, waiting to cry at any minute. 

Ken was on a mission with his teacher Guy Sensei along with his other partners Takumi and Yui. It was a Level B mission to accompany and protect the princess from a village across the country. However this princess is very much so wanted by other shinobis for her power. My younger brother, who is 11 years old was already a chunin. He is acknowledged for his hard work and raw talent for power and wisdom. 

As I neared towards the hospital, Eito caught up with me and ran beside me. I looked at him briefly and noticed him staring at the floor with a frown on his face. That does not mean something. He is only sad because the tears from the sky started making a pitter-patter sound against the roof we run on. The weather is just making him sad. Nothing else. There is nothing to worry about. 

I take a huge leap of the building and run inside the hospital. I rush towards the lady behind the desk. "Ken Kazama please." My voice broke. People around me stared with shock and worry. "Room? Please." 

She looks at her papers and I did my best not to snap at her for taking too long but I couldn't. The moment I heard the roar of the thunder, I started to scream. "Ken Kazama! He has black hair and blue eyes! He is about this tall-" My desperate words were cut off when I heard a familiar voice calling me.

"Ai!" Guy's deep voice called from my right. I turn and see him. His face had rashes and he had a patch on his cheek, but nothing too major. However, he had some tears on his clothing. "Hi Ai." He smiles faintly. 

I look up at him. "Where is Ken?" I ask. "Where is he Guy? Is he okay?" I ask and start to walk but he stops me on my tracks. 

"Ken is... having surgery right now." He mumbles. 

"What! Why? What happened?!" 

"A shinobi with lighting element cut through his side. I was helping Takumi while Yui and Ken were together. We are hoping to salvage him." He says slowly. "I will bring you to him now." He hurriedly accompanies me along the hallways. We stop at a private room. We go inside and I immediately see medical ninjas around my young brother's body. I could hear the beeping of the monitor as it takes in his heart beat. 

I start crying and a doctor comes outside. "Hello Ai. My name is Hira, the doctor of Ken." 

"Please tell me everything will be okay!" I sob and feel tears continuously falling down my cheeks. 

She takes a deep breath and looks at me. Sadness clearly evident in her eyes. "Ai... we are doing our very best. However, the man who attacked the boy pierced through the liver, we do not know if we can..."

I no longer heard what she was saying. I could no longer hear anything but a loud ring coming from my ear. I stared inside the glass and watched as the skilful medic shinobis worked together and help my brother. I only heard the faint muffled voices of my comrades, together along with the rapid beating of my breaking heart. 

I promised mom and dad that I would take care of him. I promised my parents that I was to raise Ken. I promised that as I held them in my arms, while they were gasping for their final breath in a mission. And each time, I could never do anything. I am never by their side. 

"Doctor Hira!" A nurse called from the inside and I snapped out of my thoughts. The ringing in my ear stopped but I was soon overwhelmed with the long, never-ending beep coming from the monitor. 

I have lost the only family I have left. 

NozomuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora