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Chapter 1 : Transportatation

Haru POV

My name is Haru Tsuzuru
It was just another day of mine
I woke up ate my breakfast
Me and my aunt talked a bit

My aunt adopted me due to my
Parents driving in a car and crashed

When i arrived at my classroom
The school's madonna, Yuki Fujiwara,,
My childhood friend Went and greeted me.

"Good Morning, Haru"

"Oh....Good Morning, Yuki"

We exchanged our greetings and
The gazes full of envy and hate
Was directed at me

Then a voice that said

"Yuki-san why are you hanging out
With this loser"

The gazes averted from
The incoming voice,Takuto Enomoto
The classroom's representitive and
A famous boy in school

He was famous for his athletic ability
And how handsome he is.

Suddenly a second voice can be heard

"Yuki, why do you even bother speaking
To that gloomy guy"

The voice that resounded in the classroom
Was Akira Shinomiya

"b-because haru is my friend since childhood"

Yuki blushes and sits down on her chair
Akira and Takuto sitted down beside

Suddenly some kind of magic hexagon
Or some kind of shit suddenly
Appeared on the walls

A light suddenly engulfed the classroom
Screaming can be heard and some
Comments like

"finally another world adventure"

"fuck this world im going on another world"

"sayanara me anime and madoka-chan7-7"

We were going up in space
Like in the thor movie
Suddenly my entire body was
Feeling a huge amount of pain

Like being covered in needles

"Arghhhh it really hurts"

When i opened my eyes we were
In some kind of throne room

A muscular man was sitting down
On the throne and beside the throne
Were a a girl looking like 15 or 17 years old

The girl was beautiful with her golden hair
Blue eyes that makes you think
That her eyes is an ocean

The most beautiful models on earth
Cant compare to this beauty
The girl beside the throne spoke

"Welcome Brave Heroes from another world
Iam Sophia Einsford"

344 words
Please take care of me :3

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