Before you begin

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    I would just like to begin by saying that some of these ideas are very dark. They involve very difficult topics and those that do deal with such topics will include a trigger warning as I understand the importance of not being caught off guard for some of us.
     also I usually write these very late at night and when I'm manic. So some of these are very messy and my words are very rushed and my ideas aren't very clear. I will try my best to edit these before publishing, but if there is a mistake or a part that is very confusing, please let me know.
also this is my personal interpretation of any songs in this book. I try to find a different story in the song than the one portrayed, I believe in the persons art, no doubt but I enjoy adding strange twists and such to keep story ideas unique and true to my personal style of writing.
    constructive criticism is welcome, just please think before you speak or in this case type. Not trying to be rude, just wanna create a little more positivity in this negative world.
    if you enjoy an idea or would like a full story on the idea like and comment and ill see what I can do.
    anyways, as always thank you for reading, enjoy!

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