The Hanging Tree

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The sound sent a chill down Jim’s spine. It was too familiar, the sound of a pistol and breaking glass, shattering and falling to the floor. Jim’s dark eyes widened and he felt his heart stop, all of the air being forced from his lungs in a shaky breath. It only took a second for him to move, launching forward and sprinting through the flat, terrifying thoughts filling his head. He felt sick when he practically shoved the door off of its hinges and pushed into the living room.

Sebastian lay on the floor, with one hand clutching at his torso, and the other gripping the cushion of the sofa as if he was trying to pull himself up. Jim stood in the doorway, refusing to believe what he was seeing. Dark red blood spilled from between Seb’s fingers and spread up his white t-shirt, making the air smell rancid. His expression was contorted in pain, his thin lips pulled away from gritted teeth in a snarl and his eyes screwed shut. He looked up at the sound of footsteps and heavy breathing, and it was the first time Jim had seen his sniper look so scared “Jim…” He choked, blood on his lips.

Sebastian’s skin was already pale, and he had dark bags under his eyes, Jim could see blood spreading onto the carpet beneath him. He was frozen for a second, but when he heard his name in Sebastian’s gruff voice, he blinked and hurried forward, collapsing by the taller man and feeling his heart beat faster and faster. He blinked back tears and put his hand over Sebastian’s, the blood soft and warm against his fingers.

“It’s okay,” He said softly, gently shifting so he could pull Sebastian’s head into his lap “I’m here.” Jim’s voice was shaky, and he lifted his clean hand, which was also shaky, to stroke back damp hair. Sebastian winced, his chest was heaving quickly as he desperately tried to catch his breath, each one gurgled and rattling. He was struggling.

Jim was trying hard to calm him. “Shh, Tiger, Shh.” He whispered, finding it hard to keep the fear and worry from his voice. His sniper was staring at him wide-eyed, tears making his orbs glow green. They were beautiful, really. He brought his hand from the sofa and fisted it in Jim’s shirt, fear dominant in his bright eyes. Jim gated seeing his usually proud, bold Tiger looking so quickly and tired and broken. It was just wrong. The criminal put his arm around Seb’s shoulders, wiping his bloodied hand carelessly on the carpet, though it still left a smear of red on Seb’s chiselled cheek when he touched it.

For a second, anger ripped through him, and he gritted his teeth, looking up through the broken window for the arsehole that was stupid enough to hurt his Sebastian. Sebastian’s breathing was getting quicker and raspier. Scared. “Jim…” He breathed again, his fist tightening around Jim’s shirt, though it was still too weak Jim looked down, his eyes glittered with tears.

“Shh, Tiger. It’s okay.” He whispered, managing a small smile. Sebastian’s expression softened, enough that he didn’t look like he was in pain anymore, just scared.

“I love you.” He whispered, his voice breaking on the last word. Jim’s chest tightened and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

“I know, you idiot…I love you too.” He was still stroking back Sebastian’s blonde hair, still stroking his thumb over his cheek and trying to sooth him, although he himself was panicking. There was no way out of this, he could imagine exactly where the bullet had intruded his Sebastian’s gorgeous body.

What made it worse was that the bullet probably wasn’t even for Sebastian. If the marksman had got his shot right, Jim would be the one bleeding out on the floor. And honestly, he’d prefer that. Sebastian didn’t deserve this. He was calm now, watching Jim like he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

“I love you.” Jim whispered again.

“Sing something, Kitten.” Sebastian murmured, his eyes slipping shut lightly. Jim’s narrow brows came together in a frown, though he wasn’t that surprised, he knew Sebastian loved his voice anyway, even more so when he was singing; all breath and accent. Jim tightened his jaw and thought for a second, then nodded.

“Okay…but only if you open your eyes.” He whispered, concentrating on keeping his voice calm and steady. The criminal had to wait a moment before Sebastian did as he was asked, as if it took all his remaining energy to open them. When he did, Jim smiled limply and took a deep, sow breath before he started, his voice low and soft.

“Are you, are you…coming to the tree…where they strung up a man, they say did murder three…”

Jim winced slightly, the smell of blood making him feel sick, he paused before singing again.

“Strange things did happen here…no stranger would it be, if we met…at mid…night in The Hanging Tree.” More tears brimmed at Jim’s eyes, catching on his lashes and blurring his vision. He wanted to see Sebastian while he could, so he blinked heavily, finally making the tears fall onto Sebastian’s shirt.

“Are you…are you…coming to the tree…where…the dead man called out…” Jim’s voice started to wobble, and it broke on the next line. “For his…love to flee.” Sebastian’s lips quirked lamely and his eyes slipped shut, a small sigh escaping his chest. His breaths were becoming slower, and Jim almost didn’t continue. “Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be, if we…met…at mid…night in The Hanging Tree.”

Jim’s cheeks were damp with silent tears, and his lower lip was quivering. “Are you, are you…c-coming to the tree…where I…told you to run…so we’d both be…free. Strange things did…happen here...” When Sebastian heard Jim’s broken voice, he opened his tired eyes again and offered a small smile.

“…no stranger would it be…if we met…at mid…night in the hanging tree.” Jim managed to keep his voice steady for that bit, and Sebastian’s eyes closed again, his breath was barely there now.

“Are you…Are you…coming to the tree…” Jim could feel Sebastian going limp in his arms, his hand slipping from Jim’s shirt and leaving a scarlet smudge across his chest. Jim stopped and stroked his thumb over his snipers cheek “Seb?”

But he didn’t get any sort of response. Sebastian was gone, his brows lifted slightly and his thin lips ever so slightly parted. If it wasn’t for the blood and his pale colour, he’d be stunning. A choked sob left Jim and his expression contorted into a pained grimace. He tightened his arms around Sebastian’s shoulders and hugged him to his chest, his body shaking with each sob as he tugged at Sebastian’s sodden shirt.

“…wear a…necklace of…rope…side by side with me.” Still, his voice trembled so he could barely carry the tune.

“Strange things did…” He choked again, his throat unbelievably tight “…happen here….no…stranger would it…be. If we met…at mid…night in the hanging…tree.”

When Jim was done, he just hugged his love to his chest, covered in his stinking blood and sobbing into his hair, apologies spilling off of his lips.

“I’m sorry, Seb. I’m…sorry…I’m so sorry…I love you…I love you…I love you…Tiger.”

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