Hi, Boss. Bye, Tiger

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Sebastian Moran pulled himself out of the glossy black Porsche, his broad shoulders slumped slightly. Cold droplets of rain splattered over him, lacing through his mouse-brown hair and clinging to his eyelashes. Huffing, he reached back into the car and pulled out a small, fold-up umbrella from beneath one of the seats, putting it up and nudging the door of the car shut with his elbow.

Sebastian locked the vehicle and turned away, scraping calloused fingers through his already sodden hair and pulling it away from his forehead. Long strides took him down a narrow path and to a small gate which only came up to his hips. The gate squeaked protests as Seb pushed it open and hesitated before walking through it. Around him, grey and brown gravestones scattered across bright green grass, set out in an irregular pattern.

The cemetery was in Dublin. That was Richard’s idea. Close to home. Though Sebastian knew that Jim felt that home was back in London, in their gorgeous apartment that Jim had left to the sniper, which now felt too massive and empty. Sebastian had been in the city for two days. A long drive and a ferry trip took him to Ireland, and he decided to visit Jim on the way home.

Sebastian walked for a while to the back of the yard where oak trees former a small layer of shelter from the rain. All of the space beneath the thick leaves had been claimed years ago, and Sebastian couldn’t help but think it looked over crowded, with all the rotting gravestones practically piled on top of each other.

This had been considered when they were planning the funeral. Jim hated idiots. So he was buried away from them. Sebastian turned a sharp corner, off of the path, and strode across the slicker grass.  He called already see it. The glossy headstone that didn’t have a speck of dirt on it. Like Jim, so much more extravagant and beautiful than everyone else. A muscle in Sebastian’s square jaw jumped and he felt his chest tighten as he approached. Too soon, it was at his feet and Sebastian was faced with bold lettering.


Rain continued to patter against his umbrella as Sebastian pushed his hand into his back pocket and pulled out a crumpled pack of cigarettes and a light, flicking the lid open with his thumb and holding the packet in his fingers against the handle of the umbrella. He sighed and plucked out a smoke, placing it between thin lips and lighting it. The packet and lighter was put back in his pocket and he took a long, slow drag. He held it for a moment, before blowing out a faint cloud and swallowed the lump in his throat. “Hey, boss.”

The sniper licked his lips briefly and looked over his shoulder to make sure no one else was near. He took another drag of the cigarette, taking his time because he hadn’t planned what he was going to say, and he wanted to think of something that wouldn’t have made Jim tut and roll his eyes.

“Ur…I never…Never thought that I’d be doing this. Talking to your gravestone…” He sniffed briefly and cleared his throat, thinking for a second before his lips quirked into an amused, but not too genuine smirk.

“If I’m honest, I always thought you’d bury me. You certainly wouldn’t come and give me a bloody speech though…”

Sebastian barely registered that his hand was trembling whenever he lifted the cigarette to his lips. He shuffled awkwardly, switching his weight from one foot to the other.

He paused before taking another deep breath and dropping the cigarette beside him, his eyes suddenly glassed with tears that threatened to spill over his cheeks, so he looked up and towards the towering oak trees.

“You meant so much to me…boss.” Sebastian muttered around the cigarette. “You saved me…and I can’t begin to tell you how much I need you…how much I’m going to miss you.” His voice broke on the last part, and tears finally dropped onto his cheeks. Suddenly, warmth enclosed around his hand and he looked down.

His first thought? Jim. But then he corrected himself. Richard.

The actor smiled softly, and it brought more tears to Sebastian’s eyes, because he felt like a ghost was standing next to him. And for a moment, he considered it. But no; the eyes were too kind and the clothes were too normal, Jim wouldn’t be seen dead in them.

Sebastian smiled back and squeezed his hand limply “I’m just…I’m going home. I just wanted to…”

Richard nodded a little “I know.” He said quietly, his accent so soft and gentle and not Jim. But it still made Sebastian tighten his jaw. It wasn’t like he resented Richard simply for being Jim’s twin. Richard had been support after everything had happened, and Sebastian was sure he wouldn’t be there now if it wasn’t for Richard looking after him.

Sebastian looked at the floor and bit his lower lip, because he didn’t trust himself to speak anymore. He was on the verge of breaking down again and he didn’t want that. He was supposed to be strong.

After a while of silence, Richard spoke up.

“He loved you, y’know…” He said quietly, and Sebastian could hear the gentle curve of his lips as he offered a slight smile.

“He really did. I got sick of hearing your name sometimes.”

That pulled a small laugh from Sebastian’s lips, only because he was grateful for Richard’s attempts.


“No. Always telling me how you make tea so much better than I do. Or…how you made him feel safer. He was always so…tense. You relaxed him…”

Sebastian still wanted to cry, but now he had a warm feeling inside his chest. He did mean something to Jim, and he knew that. He stayed silent, so Rich squeezed his hand and nudged him with his elbow.

“I have to go…” He said quietly, and Sebastian thought he heard his voice waver a little. “I’ve got some things to sort out. I’ll be back in London tomorrow, though, okay?” Sebastian nodded and let go of his hand, patting his back gently.

“Okay, Rich.” He said quietly, embracing him in a one-armed hug, felt Richard grip his coat tight as he huffed him back and hid his face in the taller man’s shoulder, before he pulled away.

“I’ll…see you later.” Richard murmured and rubbed his eyes with one hand before he turned sharply on his heels and walked away quickly, sniffing and blinking through the rain.

Sebastian huffed and turned back to the gravestone.

“I love you, too.” He murmured.


Jim Moriarty marched away from his second-in-command, his hands shaking a little as he stuffed them into his pockets. He’d always thought he was a good actor, and either Sebastian wasn’t in his right mind or that performance had just proved him right. That was for himself more than it was for Sebastian. He had no idea how long he was going to be away, or if he’d come back. So he’d planned it with Richard. Told him that if it ever came up, he had spoken with Sebastian at his grave. Held his hand and told him that he loved him, because Jim wanted to say it one last time. Hold his hand for one last time. He hadn’t expected Sebastian to hug Richard though, and when he did, he couldn’t stop himself from clutching him like he never wanted to let go.

Jim stopped at the smaller gate and looked across the graveyard at the back of his sniper’s head. He sighed quietly and his lips quirked into a gentle smile “Bye, Tiger.” 

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