Chapter 4

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So a while week passed and I have to go on tour. We were in front of the aeroport whrn I start crying. Taylor took me closer.

"It's okay.."

It wasn't okay. I was leaving to Europe and he was going to Chicago. I'll miss him like he will miss me. I couldn't stop crying. Finally, he took my head between his hands and made me look at him in the eyes.

"I love you."

I cried more..

"I don't wanna leave Taylor.. I'm going to miss you so so much."

He smiled to me before saying:

"Stef, we going to talk everyday, okay ? When you will come back, we will do whatever you want. Just know that.. I felt in love with you and I'm so proud of it. I just wanna make your life better and I love you so much. I'm gonna miss your lips.. your body on mine when we sleep.. your hair on my head.." we both laughed "Don't cry baby, we will talk soon."

"Gaga, we're going to be late ! Go !" Screamed Troy.

I couldn't stop crying. I putted my lips on his and kissed me. He kissed me back. I was thinking it will be a short kiss but Taylor asked for the inside of my mouth. I accepted. We were fighting to know who will dominate. I will miss him. So much. He treated me like a princess and the only thing I was scared about was to lose him when I'll be there.

"I will be a good boyfriend." He says while I was walking away.

"You must be ! I'll be a very very very bad bad girlfriend !

-I trust you."

Trust.. that was a big word. Some years ago I decided to don't trust anyone. I mean I decided that but it dosen't mean I don't trust my family or.. Taylor. I cried when I'vs been in the plane.

"It's okay honey.." said Tara "You'll see him soon."

My makeup was probably falling and I was probably looking scary. I was looking.. UGLY.

                •The day after.•

I was getting ready for my show when Taylor called me. Tara was putting my makeup on my face, the Haus of Gaga were really enjoying the first show.

"How are you love ?"He asked.

"Fine, what about you ?

-Well I miss you.

-Oh I miss you too Taylor. Uhh.. let me just tweet something."

I tweeted @taylorkinney111 I miss my T.

He laughed. I supposed he saw the tweet wich was propably stupid. I mean, I thought it was untill I received: @ladygaga No one can miss you more than I do right now. Love you my LG.

I smiled. I told him I love him and he said "me too baby." Then my manager came and said:

"Five minutes before the show !"

I looked to myself in the mirror in front of me. A tear came out my eye. I said goodbye to Taylor.

"Good luck Stef !" He said before hanging up.

I was ready for the show. After 7 minutes, I was one stage.

"I'm gonna burn this fucking stage !" I thought enjoying my show.

Then, You And I arrived. I start crying and thinking about Taylor. My T. The man I let at New York.

I just change the lyrics and replace 'Nebraska' by 'Lancaster' because Taylor was from Lancaster. I sang for him. I cried for him.

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