Who is this?

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Lindsey left the building and stood on the sidewalk, he had no idea what to do, how to explain to Stevie where he was last night. He hoped she stayed at Alice's. While Stevie hadn't moved back in yet, she started spending a few nights there a week recently. And Lindsey wished she chose to go back to her apartment if she hadn't stayed at Alice's. He called himself a car and he soon was home. He hesitated going in, he had never before wanted Stevie not to be at the house.

He put the key into the lock, turned and found it to be unlocked. As soon as Lindsey opened the door he met Stevie, who seemed to have just walked through the door as well. She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Are you just coming back?"

"I... yeah actually."

"You got that drunk? Lindsey, I thought we talked about this."

"I know, I'm sorry. But I kind of lost track of time." He shrugged and tried to laugh it off. 

"You must feel like shit. You look like shit."

"Thanks, baby!"

"And you stink."

"I know, I'm going to take a shower now." He prayed she didn't come too close, she would smell the other woman without a doubt.

"Have coffee with me?"

"Sure, but I seriously need to take a shower."

"Alright, but don't be too long. I'll go make some." He knew she was about to take a step closer to him, but he practically ran up the stairs that left Stevie guessing.

No longer than fifteen minutes later, Lindsey returned downstairs with a towel around himself. "I needed that so much."

"Why didn't you kiss me?" She looked into her coffee mug asking him.

"What do you mean, when?"

"Before you went upstairs."

"Oh, I was disgusting, but I can kiss you now." His arms circled her waist.

"I don't want it now."

"What's up with you?"

"I think I should ask you that. Where were you last night?"

"I stayed at a hotel."

"Is that so?"

"What are you trying to say here, Stevie?"

"Nothing, nothing at all."

Lindsey knew she was deep in her thoughts, but he wasn't going to go into any of it if she was letting it go, for now at least. "How was dinner last night?"


"Why?" He went to sit next to her.

"Because turns out Harry is a fucking asshole."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"Yes, he did. He basically suggested we should hook up."

"Wait what?"

"He touched me and he said his wife was boring and I'm exciting, his wife wouldn't mind if he and I were to sleep together."

"What the hell!" 

"I told him I'm married and he is too, he should not be having thoughts like that about another woman. I can't understand men like that, no, they're not men. They don't deserve to be called that. You married a woman, you dedicated your life to her and you should love her. What does the wife must feel? What did she do wrong? In what way wasn't she good enough, you know?" Lindsey didn't answer, he took deep breaths, not looking at her. "Linds, did you hear what I said?"

"I... yes, you're completely right." He swallowed the lump that had started forming in his throat. She'll hate him, she won't ever want to see him again, she'll leave him. How was he going to tell her what he did?

"What's wrong with you?" Stevie noticed the sudden change in him. "Are you going to be sick? Linds, I think you should go lie down and maybe get some sleep."

He nodded, standing up. "Yeah, yeah that's what I'm going to do. Will you be here when I wake up?"

"Actually... I thought about moving back in."

"Really?" He was genuinely surprised and happy, but he also couldn't stop thinking just how horrible the timing was. "Good, that's great!" He had to keep himself from telling her not to do it, if she finds out, she'll want nothing to do with him.

"I think it's time, don't you?"

"I don't think you should have moved out in the first place."

"The important thing is I'm back. Go get your beauty sleep." She pecked him on the lips and he disappeared from the kitchen and into the bedroom.

Stevie picked the dirty cup and went over to wash it in the sink. She dryed her hands after doing it and she was almost out of the kitchen, when Lindsey's phone started ringing. She frowned, thinking what to do. She didn't want to wake Lindsey up. Stevie checked the screen and it was an unknown number, what if it's important, she debated. Against her better judgement, she answered.


"Oh, back to the wife already."

"Excuse me? Who is this?"

"It doesn't matter now, but I promise we'll get to know each other soon, Stephanie."

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