The End of Riverdale, The start of the rest of their lives

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It was the last day of filming for Riverdale. The end of an era you could say. They had spent the last six years of their lives filming one of the greatest shows that had come to the CW channel and now it was ending. Bittersweet. They were all excited for the next chapter of their lives to start but sad that this one was ending.

'And cut' Roberto shouted. 'Well done everyone that was our last scene of the show' he carried on. There was loud cheers from the cast and everyone was hugging one another.

'Cast dinner tonight?' Roberto shouted. There was a loud cheer of agreement before everyone disappeared from the cast tent they were currently in. Everyone went to their trailers and packed up the last of their belongings before getting into separate Ubers and making there way to their own apartments.

Lili opened her door and pulled in her suitcase of stuff she had in her trailer at set and shut the door behind her. She looked around and sighed to herself. She was sad that this time next week she would leave her apartment in Vancouver forever but excited to move back to LA. She also had a new feeling of excitement because of who her new roommate would be but scared as it would be a whole new experience. She walked through to her kitchen and poured herself a coffee before taking it through to her dressing room and begun looking through her clothes to find an outfit for the cast dinner. She pulled out a simplistic red satin mini dress and a pair of black strappy heels and placed them on her bed, just as there was a knock at the door.

She walked back out her bedroom and down the hallway to her front door and pulled it open. She smiled when she saw Cole stood there leaning against the door frame with that stupid smirk on his face. She laughed and stood aside so he could walk in, he looked hot, wearing a denim jacket and black ripped jeans. She followed him through to the sitting area where he sat on the arm of the sofa and pulled her towards him by her hips. She rested her arms around his neck and kissed him.

'What are you doing here?' She giggled.

'I just wanted to come see my girl, see how she's doing?' He chuckled.

'I'm good Cole, a little sad though' she said and looked away.

'I know but think about all the exciting things that are going to happen for us now' he said 'You've even been signed to do an incredible new movie' he said and kissed her again.

'You haven't told me what your plans are Cole' Lili said. he tapped the side of his nose and smirked. She giggled.

'Anyways, i came over to talk to you about next week' he said.

'Go on' she said, arms still around his neck.

'Well, we get the keys to our house on Wednesday, but our flight is Monday so maybe we stay with my Dad and Chrissy for a couple days?' He asked.

'Of course' Lili said.

'And Dylan's been living there since him and Barbara broke up so' Cole said.

'Aw i can't wait to see him' Lili said and gave Cole a kiss before standing back and walking through to her bedroom. She picked up the dress and walked back out with it.

'For tonight?' She asked him and held it up. He nodded.

'Looks stunning Lils' He said. 'I'll pick you up at 7?' He asked.

'Yep' she gave him a kiss and he left.

Lili sat down on the sofa and smiled to herself. Five years ago she would never have imagined that she would be one day moving in with Cole Sprouse, the love of her life. And now they had been together for 3 years, they had had a little break about a year ago but were now stronger than ever. At first they had kept their relationship under wraps from the public as they both liked their privacy but they couldn't hide it for very long and had confirmed it in a few interviews. And now they had bought a house in the hills in LA and were starting the rest of their lives. Lili had been signed to do a new movie and had already filmed a few scenes in between filming for Riverdale and was finishing it a couple months after they moved back to LA.

A couple of hours later

Lili showered and started on her makeup before doing her hair and getting dressed. She put on her heels and grabbed her purse as their was a knock on the door. She walked over and opened it, Cole was speechless. She looked stunning as always. She smiled at him when she realised he was staring at her and kissed him. They walked hand in hand out the apartment building and into Cole's car. They arrived at the restaurant and walked in and sat down at the table with cami and Charles who were already there.

'I cannot believe its all over' Cami said.

'I know its so weird right?' lili said and looked at cole next to her. He nodded.

'Feels like the end of an era' Cole said. Just then KJ walked in with Casey and Roberto. Eventually everyone else turned up and they had a great meal.

When they finished a couple of hours later and a few bottles of wine later Roberto called.

'Final cast picture, everyone huddle' He said. The cast all posted the picture to their Instagram 

The comments on all their instagrams went insane.

The cast all said their goodbyes to one another and promised to keep in touch, the majority of them were all moving back to LA and knew they would stay best friends, besides many of them were staying for another week in Vancouver and had plans to hang out most days.

Cole and lili walked out the restaurant last as Lili had gone to the bathroom and paparazzi were snapping pictures as they walked to Cole's car. He drove them to Lili's apartment and pulled up outside. He leant over and kissed her.

'Oh can you not just come in and stay the night Coley?' She said and puppy dog-eyed him. He chuckled.

'Fine,' He said and pulled into the basement garage. They got out the car, Lili had her heels in her hand as her feet were aching so she was walking really slow over to the elevator. Cole laughed and swept Lili up and carried her. They went up to her apartment and fell asleep in the bed.

The future of SprousehartWhere stories live. Discover now