Flying to Hawaii

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It was Friday, the day before they were flying to Hawaii. Lili was packing and trying on outfits whilst Cole was lying on their bed on his phone. 
'Cole, babe, have you even packed yet?' Lili giggled as she looked at him. He looked over the top of his phone and shook his head slowly with a smirk on his face.
'Coleee' Lili said. 'Come on' she giggled and chucked a suitcase at him.
'Ouch' he mock whined and jumped off the bed and grabbed her and spun her around, laughing.  He threw her gently onto the bed and started kissing her.
'Cole we need to pack come on' she giggled and slipped out from underneath him.

Cole knew that he needed to pack when Lili was out of the room because she couldn't see him pack the ring box into his bag. He needed to come up with an excuse for her to leave,

'Okay, lili i'll pack but can you maybe run to the store and pick me up a couple shirts?' He said.
'You dont need any more shirts cole, have you been in your closet?' Lili giggled,
'Please babyyy' he said and gave her puppy dog eyes.
'Fine' she said and gave him a quick kiss before grabbing her purse and leaving the house and getting into Cole's car.

Cole was still in the bedroom. He had the suitcase on the bed and had already half filled it with clothes and shoes. He reached into the back of his bedside table drawer and pulled out the ringbox, he opened it and smiled when he saw the huge diamond. He shut it again and wrapped it up in a pair of pants before putting them right at the bottom of his suitcase. He finished packing.
Half an hour later and Lili came back into the house.
'COLE' She called up the stairs. There was no response. She sighed and walked up to their bedroom, she walked in and saw that Cole was fast asleep next to his suitcase. She laughed to herself and placed the bag of new shirts on the bed next to the open bag. She went over to him and kissed him softly.
'Coley' she whispered in his ear. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled when he saw her. She kissed him again before standing up.
'There's the bag of shirts, still dont understand why you needed them but' she giggled and walked over to her dressing room. She wheeled out a huge suitcase and put it on the bed next to Cole's.
'Lili we're only going for 7 days what the hell is in your case?' he chuckled. Lili laughed and put one more pair of heels into her case and zipped it shut. Her phone started ringing in her purse so she picked it up and answered it.
'Hey Dad' she said into the phone. 'Yep okay' she responded before handing Cole the phone. 'He wants to talk to you'. Cole took the phone and started talking to Daniel and left the room. Lili thought nothing of it until Cole came back in and handed Lili her phone.

'What was that about?' Lili asked him.
'Oh..umm..nothing dont worry' Cole said awkwardly. 'Shall we order some chipotle for dinner babe we have no food in the house?' He asked.
'Yeah sure' Lili said.
Cole went onto his phone and ordered there usual meals. Lili zipped up their suitcases and put them both by the door and started cleaning the house.

About four hours later.
There food had arrived and they had eaten. They had finished cleaning the house and had gone to bed early as their flight was at 7;30 the next morning and they were leaving at 4;30. 

The next morning. 4am
Cole's alarm went off and woke them both. Cole excitedly jumped out of the bed and ran around goofily,
'What are you doing you goofball' lili said sleepily, still in the bed.
'Come onnn' Cole said and grabbed Lili's hands and pulled her out the bed 'we're going on holiday' he said excitedly. Lili giggled and kissed Cole. They had half an hour until they needed to leave, so she went and jumped in the shower straight away. Cole used their guest bathroom and showered at the same time before putting some comfy sweats on and wheeling their bags to the front door. He sat and waited for lili, who soon emerged in a comfy summery dress with beautiful hair, but no makeup. She still looked flawless.
'Let's go baby' she said excitedly as she threw her purse over her shoulder and grabbed her suitcase. They wheeled them out to the car and loaded them into the trunk before getting in the car. Cole started driving and half an hour later they were at LAX airport. They checked in and went through security before grabbing breakfast at the Starbucks and waiting at their gate.
Lili turned to look at Cole.
'I cant wait to be back in Hawaii babe, I remember when we went last time and we were still so young' she giggled.
'Lili, baby you're only 25 you're still so young' he said.
'What and you're like a grandad?' She asked and laughed.
'Hey hey hey I'm only 29' he chuckled and kissed her just as their boarding was announced. They walked onto the plane and found their seats, Cole had booked first class as it was a longer flight and he wanted Lili to be comfortable.

Six hours later and they had landed in Hawaii, they went though passport control and collected their luggage before walking out the exit. Cole looked around for their cab and eventually saw a man holding a sign with Mr Sprouse written on it. They walked over and were taken to the cab.

Forty five minutes later, they had pulled up to the beautiful, 5 star hotel that they had stayed in the last time they had come to Hawaii. They were greeted by the concierge and taken to their room. Lili walked around the room and was in awe before stepping out onto the balcony and looking out over the sea. Cole quietly unzipped his suitcase and reached for the ringbox, quickly putting it in his pocket, he opened his phone onto the camera and leant it against a mug pressing record, pointing it towards where lili was stood.

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