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Nancy was a young girl, she went to school, had a family and a few friends.
Her best friend was a boy called Bill Sikes.
They always were playing outside and having a lot of fun.
As soon as they grew up Sikes started smoking and sometimes even stealing.
Nancy loved Sikes so she helped him.
But although she helped Sikes, she still went every weekend to the retirement home to help.
But Sikes became meaner and meaner to her, he only cared about the money he had stolen. When they were both 20 Sikes and Nancy met Fagin, after a little talk Sikes decided to move and work for Fagin. Nancy didn't wanted to go but she had to.
A week later Nancy wasn't even allowed to go to the retirement home anymore.
Years passed by and Nancy wasn't very happy, she just couldn't live with the fact that she had stolen a lot of mony. The worst part of living with Fagin was that he had kind of an obsession with harming kids. Everyday Nancy heard the kids screaming off pain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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