Chapter 1

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My name is Edith Evermore and it is with great joy that I shall tell you a tale that changed my life.

It was early 1825 and brother Frederick and I had just moved into New Orleans for the best reasons. New Orleans was the richest city back then , right after the war of 1812 it looked like a decent place to live and we were looking get away from our family and make it on our own.

And I liked it very much. New Orleans was a breath of fresh air. It had the best shops of garments and the best food! I always enjoyed the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning and since we moved into the city i could not get enough of it.

Martha and James are our servants , even though I hate how mama and papa only let us move with them . I did not agree with how people of colour were treated around there but I usually did everything in my power to make James and Martha live a normal life without raising suspicion. They were free to go where they wanted when they wanted , the only must was that me or my brother had to accompany them whenever we left the house as they could be mistreated or even murdered if not. The streets had become more dangerous specially with the rise of the Klux Klux Clan.

Recently, we had been planning on their safe travel to the north because that is the only place a black person can make it .

"Ok, so run me through the plan again?" Martha said grabbing a piece of bread from the table .

We were all sitting around the round table with the map of all the railroads that were still open.

"We take the carriage to where John brown has agreed to take you -plus a dozen more of you to the north. " Frederick points at the location on the map and then takes a swig from the cup of whisky." You should be safe under his protection but take these just in case" he jams two revolvers on the the table and we all get up from our chairs.
"Seriously?" Asked James "You think those will be necessary?" He takes on from the table and deeply analyses it.

"Yes, we can never be too safe"said frederick taking a cigar from his pocket and lighting it .

"Okay , you guys remember to send us a letter when you get there" I said hugging Martha.
"If , we get there" said Martha.
"Ofcourse we'll get there , come on we need to keep our confidence up "said James-getting closer for a hug.

The next day went as planned. We dropped them of at John's place and we gave him the ownership papers which would be burned as they reach the north.

We said our goodbyes,we hugged and we cried. They left and I decided to go to the tavern with my brother to celebrate.

Oh , how I hated the smell of taverns. The stank of alcohol and smoke made me gag but it was one of James's favourite parts of new Orleans. The only thing that I loved about them was the music.
The sort of music that made you go on your feet.
And sing along.

"I never thought we could do it" said james as he motioned the barman to make us drinks.

"James, we can't throw fireworks yet" i said while sitting in the barstool.

The barman came back with our drinks

Then , it was as if this was written on a book. I heard the entrance bells and everything slowed down. I glanced at the door and this tall ,strong and confident woman entered the room . Dear lord, how I drooled at her confidence. There was this thing in the air as if she made the whole place safer and warmer with just a look.

She was wearing a mans garment which left the whole tavern looking at her but she didn't care. She walked in with two other men behind her who look as though would do anything for her. This made question why ,maybe she wooed them in to it .

With every step on the wooden floor , I trembled-but not with fear. With something else. I had never felt this way before. Maybe it was her azure-blue eyes that pierced into my soul or maybe her brunnete hair falling perfectly on her side as she took of her hat to greet...
Me? How did I not realise how close she was!
"M'lady? I asked your gracefullness a question. What, are you too pretty to answer it?" She asked bowing down to me in respect.
"Ccome.. again? Im sorry but could you please repeat the question m'am?" I asked studdering .
When did it get so hot in here I thought to myself

"Why, ofcourse but listen carefully this time." She said sitting down in the barstool next to me -with that the tavern went back to normal.
"What is a pretty lady like yourself doing in a filthy place like this?" She asked motioning the barman to get what I'm having.

lemme know what you guys think.. shall I keep going ?

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