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Hello! Well, I think it's great that you're here and actually clicked on this book - means a lot to us, really. This is a collaboration with the owner of this account (Autumn) and @-WordsFromMyHeart- (Ika A.K.A yours truly). The entire credit of this idea goes to Autumn - who explained to me one afternoon that this was sparked by a dream - then went on to tell me more about dreams.

But that's not important.

Anyway - let's get to the boring stuff (other than the blurb, which isn't THAT boring). And yes, Autumn, we have to do this because I enjoy doing it:


Every year, the city has a draft, where ten people are chosen to compete in a series of games - a test of intelligence and skill, where everyone isn't good enough. If you are eliminated - you're killed. 85 total people from the middle class, poor, and first-class are chosen.

Out of the 85 people, seventeen-year-olds Aura, Phoenix, Ace, and Miko are chosen. Will they make it?

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Out of the 85 people selected, AURA didn't expect to be drafted. But she wasn't afraid - she wanted this chance for her family, a chance to live better. Aura was a true warrior who lived without fear and reluctance - she was sure about everything she did, and she was determined to win no matter what. But will something change her mind?

PHOENIX is from the poor, with no skill (he believes) so when he's chosen, he's scared out of his mind. He goes as far as to pretend he isn't of age - anything to get him out of the situation he's been handed. But he has no choice - can he do it?

MIKO doesn't know if she wants to do it at first. She's constantly bullied by others, from her class and above, for her 'elf ears'. Her parents say they're unique, but when the bullying starts to get even more verbal and physical, she attempts suicide. When she's drafted and given the chance to leave her cruel life, she decides to take it.

From the highest class, FELIX is selected. He wasn't surprised, honestly - he would just win, like other members of his family had before him. He enjoyed flaunting his wealth and position, and bullied the middle and poor just for the sake of it. Would he change?
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Started: 5 - 23 - 20


Updates: TBD

Status: Ongoing

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❝Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when it's morning again, they'll wash away
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.❞

-Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins

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This is our original work, do NOT copy it. We spent a lot of time on this, and taking it and saying it's yours is PLAGIARISM. It's against the law, and if you do it we will hunt you down...
And do something. Okay? Okay. Anyway, we'd be honored if you thought our stuff was good enough to copy - but I repeat, DO NOT do it.

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𝐻ey, 𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝐴𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑚𝑛!  𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡! Thank you to -WordsFromMyHeart-    for doing a collab with me.  This book was inspired by hunger games. It was from a dream, but I guess the hunger games was repressed in my subconscious or something. Hope you enjoy the book!

Hii, it's Ika! This is a collaboration with Autumn. She's an amazing person (unless you annoy her) and no, I haven't read the Hunger games so this concept is new to me. I hope you enjoy this book too, thanks for reading!

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