Did It Hurt?

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Meanwhile on Earth

"Angel we have to do something. She's all alone up there. No one to help." Anthony says excitedly as he paces the floor. "There is nothing we can do Crowley. She's with the Almighty now, just pray that she shows (Y/N) mercy." Aziraphale sighs as he sits down. "This is all my fault. We should have never... We just missed each other." Anthony whimpers as he try's to keep his tears at bay. "Crowley were you two inmate?" Anthony nods but kept his gaze to the floor. "Oh lord. Crowley what were you thinking? She's an angel you're a demon." Aziraphale gasps causing Anthony to fist his hair. "They are going to destroy her aren't they?" He asks as he brushes his tears off his cheeks. "I don't know. They might just have her go back to star making. I'm sorry dear friend." Aziraphale says as he sits next to the crying demon. "I only had her back for a day and a half and now she's gone." Anthony says as he latches on to the angel. All of this emotion causes him to change into his snake form. He coils around Aziraphale's waist and buries his head in the others neck. "I'm sorry Crowley." The angel whispers as he gently runs his hand down the serpent's back.

After a while Anthony composes himself and sits up. Aziraphale hands him a handkerchief for his damp face. "Thanks." "Not a problem. How about a nice glass of wine?" "Would you happen to have scotch? I need something stronger then wine." "Of course Crowley I'll be right back." He hums as he walks towards the kitchen. "I'm so sorry my star I couldn't keep my promise. Please forgive me. I hope you're ok." He whispers to himself. Aziraphale brings out some glasses and the bottle of scotch. "Thank you angel." He says taking the glass. Aziraphale just smiles and sits in his desk chair.

Just as Anthony was bringing the glass to his lips he feels a sharp pain rip through his body. He drops the glass as he clutches his chest. "Crowley what's wrong?" "I-I'm being summoned to Hell." He stutters while he sinks down to the floor. "Do you think it's because of (Y/N)?" "What kind of question is that angel? I don't know why I'm being summoned but I must go this fucking hurts." He whizzes in the fetal position. "See you later angel." "See you Crowley." Anthony snaps his fingers and vanishes.

He stumbles trying to get his footing from the quick trip and finds himself at two large doors. "Fuck fuck fuck. What have I done this time?" He mutters to himself before pushing the doors open. "Master you summoned me?" He asks as he strolls into the room but stops in his tracks when you turn to face him. "Yes I believe she belongs to you." Lucifer hums as he places his hands on your shoulders. "My star?" He breathes as he slowly walk's towards you. "Anthony." You whimper as you try to read his expression. His fingers brush against your skin as he studies your new features. He takes off his glasses to get a better look at you and you look down at the ground. "I'm ugly now." You breathe as he gently guides your head to look at him. "Absolutely not darling. You are still the most beautiful creature to me. Nothing will change that." He hums as he pulls you into his embrace. "Did it hurt?" "You have no fucking idea." You giggle as you look up at him. "Well I guess you do huh." "Yes my love. We all have experienced it." You nod and turn to Lucifer. "Master what is our assignments?" Anthony asks as he rests his hand on your hip. "Contrary to popular belief we are all for love down here in Hell." He says as he makes his way back to his throne. "I want you Crowley to take this lovely woman back to Earth with you. Teach her the ropes of being a demon. She looks promising and with your guidance I'm sure we will have another success like the M25 in no time. But promise me this Crowley, you will take care of her and not lose her again." "Of course master. Thank you." Anthony says as he bows and you follow. "Alright you two get out of my hair." Lucifer chuckles as he miracles you both to Anthony's flat.

He snatches you into his arms and crashes his lips against yours. "I thought I lost you forever my star." He breathes as you separate for air. "Well now you're really stuck with me." You giggle as you walk into the office and sit on his throne. "I wouldn't know a better way to spend eternity darling."

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