Day 64

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?? I can't even be bothered to count the days sorry, at the monement of writing this it's the 24th of May 23:09.

Hope you all are doing alright.. nothing much has happened just the days blending together like normal.

Tomorrow I'm going to be going home, it'll be weird, I've lived at my dad's for a month now, it's bin fun but I need to go home, I'll stop eating so much.

Last week, T spoke to me, we talked until she got tired, that was lovely, I enjoyed myself a lot, I don't know if she could tell or I'd she enjoyed it but I appreciated it.

I didn't speak to many people after that.. until three days ago? J (a friend, she's in a different group but she's nice, she can be a bit dramatic at times) she started a facetime group chat, that was weird, I felt uncomfortable but that happend.

Over the past two days I just started to draw people in life, badly but I was bored and instead of doing school work I did that instead, so great.. It is good practice for drawing different faces and different ages. I need to practice hair.

I downloaded "moodpath" I saw an advert for it and I thought why the fuck not? It's just a place to put my feelings down, it's helps untangle it but it's hard to label things when I don't understand it myself...

I can't really think about any thing eles so yeah, hope you are having a good day.

I'll write to you soon :)
Stay hydrated.

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