A Married Christmas (Castle One-Shot)

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I woke up by a pair of lips gently being pressed against mine. I knew instantly who the lips belonged to and kissed him back. Our lips started moving together and I felt the room get warmer. His body slowly pressed against mine and I could sense it wasn't his intention for it to last this long. He had probably only meant for me to wake up with a peck on the lips but since I chose to kiss him back he couldn't pull away anymore. This had happened before. Him trying to wake me up with a small kiss and then it had turned into something more, just like this one. I got as hypnotized by his touch as I always got and I was surprised it didn't get any less hypnotizing no matter how often we touched. I moaned into the kiss and I felt his hand moving up and down my body, feeling my every curve. His lips pulled away and started kissing my neck, lips moving around making me shiver through my whole body.

"Castle" I moaned quietly in his ear and his lips touched that spot between my neck and shoulder which always made my knees weak.

Then his lips found mine again and he kissed me deeply. His kiss softened and slowed down. It ended with a few pecks before he pulled away and I opened my eyes for the first time this morning. We looked into each other's eyes with big smiles on our faces.

"Good morning to you too" I said and his grin grew bigger.

"Merry Christmas" he said and I giggled.

"Right, I had forgot, merry Christmas" I said and I pulled up a little to kiss his lips again.

He followed me down and I pushed him over so I was straddling him. I moved my fingers into his hair and deepened the kiss. I knew he loved it when I ran my fingers through his hair. Just like he knew I loved it when he ran his over my back, almost like a massage. His tongue brushed past my lower lip and I let him inside my mouth. Our tongues touched and started the usual dance, his taste fulfilling my desire. We pulled away, both of us panting.

"I love you" he said and I blushed.

"I love you too" I said and pecked his lips.

I rolled off him and when I looked at him I saw the tray he had on his nightstand. He followed my eyes and smiled when he saw the tray. He sat up and motioned me to do the same. Once I sat up he put the tray on his right and my left leg, balancing the tray between us. On the tray was two cups of coffee, one of them with the shape of a heart and I smiled at it, and then there were waffles with whipped cream and raspberry jam to it. I looked up at Castle and found him observing my face. I smiled bigger and I leaned into him pecking his lips.

"Thank you" I said and pecked his lips one last time before sitting up straight again.

"Always, everything for my wife" he said with a grin and we dug into the food.

Once Castle had 'sacrificed' himself by eating the last waffle he took the tray and stood up from the bed.

"Wait" I said and he turned to me.

I stood on my knees in the bed and took the tray from him, putting it on the nightstand again. I took a grip on his shirt and pulled him towards me. Once he was close enough I crashed my lips on his and pulled him down with me as I laid back down on the bed. He moved with me and even though we both knew we couldn't have sex at the time we both acted like it was what was happening. We pulled away as we heard footsteps coming towards the office. We jumped up on our feet and while I quickly fixed my hair a bit he took the tray in his hands. At the time I had sat down on the bed again we could hear a knock on the bedroom door.

"Come on in" Rick said as he walked towards the door.

The door opened and Alexis popped inside.

"Merry Christmas!" she yelled excitedly and hugged her dad, giving him a kiss on his cheek before she walked with fast steps to the bed and hugged me, giving me a kiss on my cheek as well.

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