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=Get Ready for some extreme amounts of fluff and a...
















Plot Twist!!!! HAHAHAHJJSJDSZFK!!! It's 3aM and i,M tiredddddDdd! YeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEE! i;m gonna slEEp nOW! ENjoY!!=

(Hey, slightly less crazy me here, The picture above is the ballroom! The dining hall is basically a carbon copy, just with ya know, tables? IDK)


Hermione had began to see, or rather hear a pattern in the visits. Theo and Pansy would storm in around what she figured was nine am based on Pansy's yelling, to drag Draco downstairs to breakfast, and then come back up by themselves around an hour later and talked to her for a varying amount of time before Blaise and Astoria came in to give her potions and check how she was healing. Luna would drag Blaise back down for lunch, the highlight of Astoria's day. Harry and Ginny would come in with teddy after lunch, she dreaded then. Teddy really didn't understand what was happening and it broke her heart when he tried to get her to wake up. Draco was by far the longest. He would come in after some other people visited. Those people varied from Lavender, Neville, Narcissa, George and Fred, Millicent, and other people she couldn't remember. Draco was always last no matter what, staying from right after dinner to when he faced Pansy's wrath the next morning.

The routine was soothing to her in a way, she  had always thrived on order and knowing when something was going to happen. The visits started to change, she couldn't pin exactly when one person stayed longer or when someone's visit was shorter than usual, but she knew it had happened.

/* /* /*

"-now! I never said she would wake up right away Blaise, everything takes time. The glamorous drained her. Those things won't fix in a few days, This isn't a miracle cure"

"Tori, it's already the 20th of December. It's Been a month Astoria. A month without taking to my sister. Christmas is so close 'nd this was supposed to be our real first Christmas together and-"

Luna put her hand on his shoulder and his sentence died out. "Blaise, worrying about her isn't doing any good. Let's go for a walk and let Astoria do her job. Angela will wake up when it's right."

Blaise raised an eyebrow at Luna using Hermione's middle name but his resolve cracked under her kind gaze and he started towards the door with Luna. Astoria mouthed 'thank you' to Luna before checking Hermione's heart rate and oxygen.

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