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What is love?
That, is a question many ask. Though few can answer. Love can come in many shapes and sizes. For some, it is easy to find. For others, like myself, it seems nearly impossible.

You always hear of 'Love at first sight' in Fairytales, but does it truly exist? They romanticize it so very often in stories, you'd imagine that it would have to exist, would have to be something truly out there... or perhaps it's just a myth?

Though, even with the doubt that co-exists alongside love at first sight, there are those who claim to have experienced it's wonder. However, that is not the only type of love people say there is.

Ever heard of the oh so common quote, 'Opposites attract'? Well, that is how it is in some cases. Think of ice, then think of fire. Fire is cruel, and harsh, and tries to melt whomever is daring enough to come near. Whereas ice tries hard to support those with its weight, and even when it fails and breaks, it harms itself to turn into a liquid, that catches you from falling into the dark abyss of nothing, but if you aren't careful.. you could drown. Fire can try to melt the ice, and the ice melts into water, before putting out the fire. Yet..- This process continues, because even though they are complete opposites, the fire is intrigued by the ice's abilities to put it out, and calm it's fiery rage.

     I must know.. is there someone out there, waiting for me? Someone who will love me? Or is it all just a myth, that parents tell their children to give them hope that the world isn't such a cruel place. If someone is out there, somewhere, who knows the answer.. please, tell me. I must know.

    The black ink stained the pages I wrote upon, as I left the journal bound by leather open to dry. I brought up the ink-tipped quill from the page and poised it above a container of the black liquid, tapping the tip of the quill gently against the sides, before setting it down beside the journal.

     For a good moment, I stared at it, pondering the thoughts I had previously wrote down. Was there really someone out there, that was bound to love me, and I, to love them?

     These thoughts continued to drift throughout my brain, as a soft sigh escaped my lips. It was late, and it was not time to keep myself awake with thoughts I knew would never be answered. With soft steps towards my bed, I let myself fall atop the animal hide blankets, before drifting into the dark ocean we call sleep.

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