Chapter 1: The Phone Call

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The Doctor was having another day in the TARDIS where nothing was happening. It was probably Sunday wherever the time machine was floating around in space. The Ponds were having a small vacation from saving the universe and running from whatever monsters, robots, etc. that tried to kill them on a daily basis. The Doctor took a seat in the small but comfortable chair next to the console and started to rest his tired eyes. He had almost died that week it was average but still pretty stressful. His short nap quickly ended when he heard the console phone's ring echo. "Hello?" The Doctor asked in a groggy voice.
"Hello, yes." This is the hospital of the Sisters of the Infinite Schism." "We are inquiring about your friend Melody Pond, she is almost entirely healed from the regeneration process.".
A huge grin crept on to the time lord's face. "Right. Ok!" The doctor said excitedly.
"I don't think that she can stand the hospital anymore." The nurse mentioned " She tried to escape."
"That sounds like her" The Doctor thought with a smile. "I'll pick her up in a couple minutes," He said with happiness in his voice. "Thanks, goodbye." The Doctor hung up the phone and started pressing buttons and pulling levers in a well rehearsed dance. He heard the familiar whirring of the engine and transported to The Hospital of the infinite schism.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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