letter from Jeong Family

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December 19 2015

To : Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung ah dad her, i miss you so much ! How are you and Sooyoung doing in America ? The weather must be great there ! How's school going ? I heard from aunt mary that you were top in class again for the 3rd time in the row ! When did my little pumpkin pie become so smart. Dad has been very busy the past few months handling the business and your brothers are studying really hard for their end of the year exams. We are sorry we didn't call or come to visit... Dad promise you we will come to visit next year when our business is settled okay ? Love you lots and have a bless birthday❤️

Love : Dad

[ Cherry is just a nickname that Jaeyoung likes to call me since we were young ]

To : Cherry

Dad made me write a letter to you so i guess i'm writing it. Stay healthy and stay safe in America ! All the best for your studies, study hard, get good grades and make me proud okay ! The house doesn't feel the same when you and Sooyoung are gone. Nobody to fight with and let me bully... School is okay, i now realize how difficult it is to become an athlete. There are many times that i just want to quit sports school and live a normal life in secondary school. I guess now i know how you feel when you whine about wanting to quit dance. I took part in about 3 competitions this year and all have won first ! How i wished you could see me run 100m race this saturday :)
I promise i'll win first place for you sis ! Miss you and Sooyoung, come back and visit soon okay ! Oh and happy birthday sis !

Love : Your older brother Jaeyoung


To : My twin sister

Me and you turned 11 today. Happy birthday Chaeyoung ! Life is getting a bit boring without you playing video games with me. I miss the times when we used to get scolded by dad because we played to much video games. Now i get scolded all alone because you are not here ! I'm going to be taking my PSLE next year and you should be too. How's school in America ? Your classmates miss you a lot. They talk about you almost everyday ! Dad just bought for me a new video game, i can't wait to show you when you come and visit ! I'll teach you how to play but i know you won't be as good as me bleh ;)
Mum doesn't come back often but she says she misses all of us a lot ! Dad has been really busy the past few days and so is Jaeyoung. He has been getting ready for competitions and i can't wait to see him run ! Wooyoung is doing very well too though sometimes he gets really angry... Wooyoung said that he will personally write you a letter because you mean a lot to
him and you know that right ? Miss you a lot and happy birthday !

Love : your twin brother Taeyoung

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