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Word of the day:






Everything seems so dark.

She tries to open her eyes but having a hard time doing so.



She can now hear the beeping sound of a machine that seems like counting her heartbeat.

"Was I unconscious?"
"Am I in the hospital?"
"How long was I unconscious?"

These thoughts are running through her head, giving her a headache.

She tries to slowly open her eyes again and find a fully white ceiling above her. She frowns because of the unusual sight but her eyes are too weak to respond. Actually, her whole body is too weak to move.

From the ceiling, she looks down to see a television hanged on the wall across her long hospital bed, faintly playing the news. She can't figure out what the anchorman is saying but what catches her attention is the current date - July 1st 2025.

She tries to blink but now finds the room brightly lit by the afternoon sun. From being really pale, dull white, it now shares different hues of yellow and orange rays coming through the opened glass window on the left side of the room.

This makes her smile a bit.

She slowly blinks again and slides her eyes on her left, only to find a handsome young man sitting comfortably at the couch by the window.

His disheveled brown hair is directly hit by yellow light which makes it glow like a crown but it doesn't hide his amused, pretty face.  His bangs are messy, probably because of the wind coming in and out of the window but she can vividly see his upturned, foxy black eyes. His nose is elegantly long and has pouting sensuous thin lips, maybe because of something he read on the book he is holding. He look amused.

He is wearing a greyish tuxedo and a white inner long sleeve with the top buttons undone; looks like he just attended a formal wedding ceremony and now is able to make himself relax and at ease.

She notices that the way he sits - him crossing his long, slender legs, rests his right arm on one side, the other one holding a book and his body slightly bends to the left, makes him look like a rich young model in his 30's.

"Why such a person is here with me?"
She looks puzzled.

She tries to open her dry mouth to ask but stops right in the middle...

Something struck her.

Why is she even there in the first place?


This is a fanfiction, made purely out of the author's imagination.

WhyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz