chapter two

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she woke with a start, fear eradicating as quickly as it came. she was sweating profusely as she dreamt of nothing dreamy. her first time sleeping again after being resurrected was ruined with the premise of her nightmare. strange symbols on ruins and grotesque, satanic symbolism she couldn't even begin to comprehend were presented to her in an eerily loud way, even though she could not hear anything in the dream. the vicious imagery preyed on her, before proceeding to conquer any form of rational thought. paranoia and ultimate fear kicked in.

she rubbed her eyes and let out a relieved sigh when she saw the sunlight seeping through the window. she heard a hushed conversation coming from behind her shut door. chyiok yawned and went to freshen up in the bathroom. after washing her face once, she swore she saw a misshaped shadow behind her and she froze up. she turned around and nothing was there. she shivered. she looked down at her bandaged hands and reminded herself that she was alive. everything was fine. right?

after she was done, she opened the door and walked into the kitchen, where a sweet aroma filled up the cottage.

naveen's green eyes glistened in the sunshine that fell onto his face as he spoke, "well, i know it will work!" and upon meeting chyiok's eyes, so leaden with sleep, he grinned and with that smooth voice of his he greeted her, "hi, m'lady!!"

louvie almost dropped a plate but thankfully, stopped herself. naveen winked at her and louvie rolled her eyes at him. her long auburn hair was tied into a messy bun and her hazel eyes gazed at her endearingly. she greeted chyiok jovially, "good morning, chyiok! i made some blueberry muffins and some tea. i do hope you like both..."

chyiok's face burned in joy as she returned louvie's bright smile, "yes, i do. thank you so much...."

naveen snorted, "i sense the cupid's presence in this room..."

louvie blushed and kicked naveen under the table he was sitting at, "shuth up..."

"damn girl, why so violent!" he pouted at her and louvie ignored him, slightly smiling. chyiok was too spaced out to notice naveen's hint at louvie's attraction towards her.

louvie set up the plates on the tiny table naveen was sitting at. she placed a blue muffin on each plate and passed out some sliced up bananas on the side. three cups of tea were placed next to the ornate plates. naveen smiled and thanked her before he sipped some of his tea while louvie sat in the chair precisely in the middle of both chyiok and the prince.

chyiok nibbled away at her muffin and louvie spoke after a sip of her tea, "so, love. we kind of have a change of plans, but not really."

louvie daintily took out a gold ring with a heart on it, "this ring will disguise you as a man. this is your best shot at going undetected with that aristocrat."

naveen watched chyiok's reaction carefully and added, smirking, " yesterday, as i was trotting away on my only and favorite stallion, badar, and i happened to pass by lord winnie. i was all like yo hello!! and then he passed out upon seeing me. i get i'm hotter than the sacred sun herself but like..."

louvie smacked naveen lightly and facepalmed, "oh lord..."

" was quite scary. but i got him admitted into the royal hospital. i told my courtiers that this man was very significant to me for reasons i did not disclose, and got him set up in the little hospital."

louvie nodded, "yes. we decided you should pretend to be his doctor...interrogate him. does he know your real name?"

chyiok furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to think about that night, but all thought was obscured by the thoughts of her nightmare, "i don't remember that specific detail..."

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