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Thank you Jesus I made it🙏🏾💯.

After Cam and DrippyM drove off Jay wasn't dead he was just unconscious. A few mins later one of Jay homeboy (David) comes by to check up on him because he hasn't been answering his phone. So David pull up and as he is walking up to Jay house he starts running because he Jay laying on the floor in a pool of blood. So he start crying because he don't he gon make it. He check for a pulse and realize he is still alive. He picks him up and drove him to the hospital. While he driving he has one hand on Jay test to apply pressure and the other hand on the steering wheel.

15 minutes later he pull up to Advent Health hospital. He takes Jay out the car and take him inside the ER and screams ! ! ! !

David- can somebody please help my friend he got shot and lost a lot of blood he needs help somebody please please help me.

Nurse 1- what happen?

David P.O.V

Did this bitch ass nurse just ask me what happen after I just said it very loudly yoo people are really dawg on gee. If they let my fran die ima empty my clip in her throat.

David- he got shot

Nurse 1- ok put him on the bed and we gonna take him in for surgery.

David put Jay on the bed and they take him into surgery. Few mins later the nurse comes back and gives David a shirt.

David- thank you

Nurse 1- go sit down in the waiting room while you wait for your friend to get out of surgery and don't worry he will be fine we have some of the finest doctors and surgeons. I will alert you when he is out.

David- ok nurse I will

2 hours go by and the Doctor comes out and calls David.

Doc Tom- David

David- yes I'm here doc

Doc Tom- are you Jay Colins friend?

David- yes I am

Doc Tom- he lost a lot of blood but he is fine.... but you should know he broke his shoulder so he can't drive for a while and we are gonna keep him in here for another week or two depending on how he heals.

David- ok thank you can I see him now

Doc Tom- yes you may he is down the hall in room 24B

David- Thanks Doc I will do everything I can

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Cam is on her way to pick up her baby Gabby from her mom house because her and her mom are having one of those days. When Cam gets there she text Gabby and tell her she outside... Few mins later she come outside and get in the car. She comes in start crying her eyes out.

Cam- baby whats wrong? What happen?

Im not good when people cry in front of me. I never know what to do and I don't know if im asking the right questions. Like what if i ask the wrong question and they start crying more and yelling at me. So ima try my best this time.

Gabby- i swea i cant do this anymore
Cam- what are you talking about baby
Gabby- my mom when she gets drunk she starts being abusive

Cam sits back in her seat. She is not really good when people cry. Because what if she say the wrong thing. She don't want to make her upset.

Cam- im sorry you have to go through that baby if it makes you feel better my dad used to do the samething to me n my mom until we escaped that toxic life.
Gabby- how did u escape?
Cam- we left him and moved here when was 12.
Gabby- but i cant escape Cameron dont you get it my mom is the only person i have left.
Cam- wym she is the only person you have left?
Gabby- i dont wanna live wit my auntie cuz she is a prostitute, my uncle is a pimp, my grandma died from cancer, my dad is who was my whole heart got shot in front of me on the street. My whole fam fucked up and i dont talk to any of my cousins cuz they all fake and love to steal so my mom is my only option.
Cam- damn baby i didn't know somebody beautiful like you can go thru so much but im the same way. They only person i got is my mom.
Gabby- how are you the same way?
Cam- cuz when i was younger and i came out to my mom she used to beat me everyday until she realize no matter how many times she beat me i will be the same way.
Gabby- damn baby ig we both had a rough past but i dont wanna be here tonight
Cam- ok thats fine baby where u wanna go?
Gabby- anywhere but here

Cam grabs Gabby n pulls her over to her lap and holds her telling her its gonna be ok everything is gonna be alright.

Gabby POV
Few mins after she done crying she wipes her tears away n tell cam thank you for being here.

Cam- no problem baby now im getting hungry asf r u?

Gabby- yeah baby i am

Cam- ok but i gotta roll up 1st u smoke?

Gabby- i did one time so nah

Cam- u wanna try it?

Gabby- cuz i need dat shii rn fasho but i ain smoke in a min i hope i rmb how

Cam- its alright i will teach u

So Cam is done rolling up so she pulls out her lighter n hits the wood hard asf🍃😩and den lets it out😤🍃.

Gabby- damn u look fine asf doin dat

Cam- fr thanks baby now lets see u do it now

Gabby- ok

Cam- so all you gotta do is inhale the smoke let sum out n inhale sum back in and den let it out slowly

So Gabby does what Cam says and as she lets it out she starts coughing really hard. Cam gave her sum water she already had in the car and tell her....

Cam- looks like u still got it but u hit dat bihh wayyy to hard now u gon be high asffff😭😭

Gabby- (tears running down her eyes) damn baby i still do got it but damn u out hella weed in dat shii bae why?

Cam- cuz i like to roll my shii fat n put hella weed i like to be highh asfff n i like hella smoke coming out my mouth

Few mins in Gabby starts to feel the high and starts moving slow n shii n laughing for no reason😂😂.

Gabby- damn dat shii hitting me alr every thing moving slow😭😭😭bae u gotta teach me how to roll next

Cam- i got u baby (she pass the wood back to gabbby)

After they got done smoking they decided that they wanted sum Wings and fries. So they pull up to ATL Deli n go up to the counter and order.

Cashier- hi how can u help u?
Cam- um yes can i have 2 meals hot wings and fries
Cashier- is that all for you?
Cam- i also would like a Fruit punch medium and...Gabby what u want?
Gabby- huh? Oh ummm😂😂a sprite please medium
Cashier- ok total is 22.98

Cam hands the cashier her card and pays for the food. The cashier tells them to wait in the "pick up" line. 15 mins later they get there food. They get home n eat n falls into weed coma.

In the middle of the night Cam phone rings. She wakes up out her sleep and answers it.

Cam- hello
DrippyM- yoo have u heard
Cam- heard what?
DrippyM- sum how sum way yo cousin Jay survived
Cam- wtf did u juss say my nigga? How tf he stil alive we literally emptied da clip on his ass
DrippyM- one of my homies live on dat street n he saw him thru his window by himself until a guy showed up
Cam- a guy? What guy?
DrippyM- my homie said he was wearing like sum nursing uniform and took him in his car n drove off
Cam- ohhh shiii i kno u talking bout wait hol on im coming
DrippyM- ok bet

Cam hangs ups the phone. Write gabby a note. Grabs ha keys ha phone n ha peace🔫. She puts the key in the ignition n before she cud put it in park she had a gun held to her head from someone in da back seat. She couldn't reach for her gun because she alr had it in the safe in her car. She puts her hands up and tried to look thru the mirror to see who the person was. Until he spoke.

Gummy(jay her cuzzin)- yeah nigga u thought i was dead u thought u killed me i thought i was family how cud u do that to family HOW MF? But dont worry nigga cuz i survived nigga?.......... But u ain?


Wat happen next?
Who got shot?
Did Cam get shot?
Did Gummy get shot?

Thanks for reading and supporting me i hope u enjoyed the endings comment and lmk what u think r dm for new ideas yall got for next chapter. Love yall💯

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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