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"Could you do my shift for today because something came up" Eunha begged Soujin to say yes

"Well only if you'll buy me ice cream" Soujin said

"Okay okay, well bye then"


Soujin sighs when Eunha leaves the shop "here we go again"

You work at cafe and give people drinks and food. You were actually done at 5 p.m which was now but your friend Eunha who works with you at the café had to leave earlier then usual so you had to take her shift. Which you had to work now till 10 p.m.

{time skip}

I was cleaning the floor and the bar, the shift was finally done. I had to close the cafe on my own because usually Eunha did.

When I was done I shut the lights off and gathered my stuff. When I closed the door I felt a breeze against my face. It was cold and dark outside. I had no bike or car because my house was kinda nearby and I only had to walk 15 mins. And I want to take a fresh air so yea why not.

While I was on my way I heard weird noises. I was curious what that sound of noises were. So I thought why shouldn't I check it out. I was behind the wall and peeked carefully so that nobody could see me I guess. And I listened to what they were saying.

"What is this, this is not were we asked for"

"You know what it means"

"No please don't, I have two kids and a wife that are waiting for me!"

"Well does it look like we care about that?, well no"

"Please forgive me and I will bring more money but now I didn't had enough of it"

"It's to late"

Three of the men were kicking the man who laid on the ground i was shocked about what I was seeing. I didn't have to check it out on the first place. But damn stupid curiosity. I then looked over to them again and saw one of the man grab a gun. Pulled the trigger and then.


The man that was laying there was now a lifeless body on the ground

"This can't be happening" you said to yourself but then you saw the three men staring at you. When you realize you talked to loud and they heard you and saw that you were watching them "oh, sh*t"you began to run. Run. Run. Run as fast as you could. You heard food steps behind but you didn't care at all because all you wanted is that they didn't get you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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