They Meet

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Betty's POV:

I walked into school with my black leather jacket, ripped jeans and a t-shirt that said 'Bite me' on it. I walked with Veronica, one of my very best friends, we were heading to the student lounge, with a few other students to be assigned to a new student who just transferred from the southside. My mother is from the southside, but she moved to the northside and tried to erase her past, that's why I rep southside so much, if she won't respect our heritage, I will, but in secret. We got to the lounge to find a bunch of kids. Veronica got some kid named Sweet pea, I think that's just a nickname though. Whereas I was assigned to a kid named Forsythe. We all headed our separate ways.

"So...Forsythe," I started

"You can call me Jughead, Forsythe is a family name"

"Jughead huh? I'll call you Jug"

"And what about you, Elizabeth? Any name you'd prefer to be called?"

"Well everyone who knows what's good for them calls me Betty"

" 'Everyone who knows what's good for them?'" He looked at me

"I have a reputation, don't mess with me, unless you wanna get bit" I pointed at my shirt in a joking manner

"Oh, so you're like queen bitch around here?" He chuckled and I laughed a little too

"No, no, that's my cousin Cheryl, you'll meet her sooner or later, she's head Vixen and mythic bitch, let's just say I'm runner up" he smiled at me. We kinda stared at each other for a moment...which was weird so I broke the stare.

"So! I'm supposed to ask you, Do you have any hobbies or interests that you would want to join a club for?"

"Uhm actually yes, Do you guys have a school newspaper?" "Yea-"   I was cut off by some lunatic "JONES!" He came up to me and Jughead. He actually pushed me against the lockers and put a knife up to Jugheads neck. "You think you can just switch school and I wouldn't find you? The serpents WILL pay us pack, even if I have to kill the King to do it" I pushed the guy away from Forsythe, snatched his knife and stabbed it in his thigh.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" He winced in pain and was straining to get up "Don't think I won't be back" he limped out back where he came from "Thank you" "No problem...You're serpent king?" He looked down and back up at me "Well, there goes my chance for a fresh start" "Not necessarily, you don't seem the gang type, you don't even wear your jacket" "I don't wear it unless I'm on the southside, around here wearing a serpent jacket is like putting an 'Arrest Me' sign on my back" "I know the feeling" "You do?" I looked him up and down, I still don't know him, he doesn't need to know all the details "Follow me"

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