chapter one~

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    It was cold out today, and my thin, tattered clothes didn't help any. A rough hand landed atop of my head. I looked up with big eyes. My father had ruffled my hair with his calloused fingers.

    I smiled with a sniffle. Rubbing the drip from my nose. "Okay Robin, we'll stop for a quick lunch. But then it's back to training." He said with a comforting smile. "Understand?"

    I nodded furiously. He pulled out a chunk of a cheese wheel from the straw basket mother had made. He handed me a piece. Taking it in my hands, I stared at it for only a moment.

    Then, without even tasting it, I shoved it down my throat. Trying to satisfy my hunger. My father looked down at me with a worried look. "Are you still hungry?" He asked digging in the basket.

    "Yes," I said. My hands shaking, and my stomach rumbling for more. My father handed me more, and I devoured it in seconds. "Th-thank you, daddy."

     "You're welcome, son."

    I was five years old at that time. And I didn't know that my father starved for my sake. I didn't know that my intense training was to be used this way. And I didn't know that was how my mother had died.

    I sat on my roof. I lived alone these days, spending my time planning... plotting. Exacting my revenge for the king and his greedy followers. His greed caused famine throughout the kingdom. Too many people have died in the past 30 years. He has to be stopped.

    I watched as the man who collects the citizen's taxes rode down the street on his bedazzled motorcycle. I narrowed my eyes. This was it. Today, I will make my first move.

    "Hey you there with the cart!" He shouted. The woman selling homemade goods flinched. Her wooden cart shook, at her slight movement. "You owe the king some of that money you got there."

    "I-I don't have any-" she stuttered fearfully.

    "Don't lie to me!" He grabbed her cart and shoved it aside, stepping closer to the helpless woman. I stood up, a few people looked up at me, but didn't speak a word.

     "I swear!" She sobbed. He grabbed her by the collar and shook her around.

    "If you don't have any money, I'll just have to take the whole cart!" He began to chain the poor woman's cart to his golden motorcycle.

    Now is my chance, I thought. I jumped down from my perch, landing right in front of him. Without hestation, he pulled out his gun.

    "Put that toy away," I growled. His eyes widened slightly. He was surprised, he just didn't want to show it. I took another step closer.

    "I will shoot!" He said, putting his finger on the trigger.

    "I know you will," I said in a calm tone. "But that isn't a very good idea. You'll only hurt yourself." I warned. Of course he didn't listen. He still had the weapon aimed at my chest.

    "Don't come any closer!" He shouted. The people on the street slowly backed away. But they were all watching us. They were hoping for rescue.

    "I don't think you understand," I said with a smile. "That thing can't hurt me.." I took another step. "Put it down-"

    He squeezed the trigger.

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