chaper2 the Alliance

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(After school)
Urakakas POV
I see deku leave the school so it's time to follow him me iida and todorki folow him tsu had to do something so she didnt Come as we follow deku we notice him going into his house nonthing bad right? But when he comes out he looks like a whole diffrent person

I look at my friends and they both have the same expression on there face why is deku wearing a suit? Is he going to dinner or something??(Iida pov)I notice suddenly how midoryia outfit changes he never wears suits even out to eat he usely wears s...

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I look at my friends and they both have the same expression on there face why is deku wearing a suit? Is he going to dinner or something??
(Iida pov)
I notice suddenly how midoryia outfit changes he never wears suits even out to eat he usely wears something casual so why a suit now?
As we continue to follow me we see him go to a really sketchy building theres to people at the door so we decide to be quiet and listens to midoryia and the 2men.
Welcome boss one of the men say hello guys nice to see you again he enters the building and we look though the window and he about 5people mostly dressed in suits and then we see the leage of villans
(Dekus pov)
I walk in to see the leage of villans are they the ones who wanted a alliance?
I see shigarki has the same look on his face
Y-you! He yells your the leader of the yakuza?!
Indeed I am.
But your a hero in training!
Yes I am I do wanna be a hero but.... I'm also extremely loyal to my gang and will be by there side no matter if it comes to my hero work I say blankly
I see shigarki is annoyed but he is smart enough not to mess with the most dangerous gang in Japan
Let's get this over with shigaraki says
Ok I say let's see how about a trade I'll give u 2members for toga and dabi.
Deal! Shiggarki says we trade members and I signal them to leave execpt dabi and toga.

elcome to the yakuza. I will give u mini tattoos so no one will mess with ya we give them mini tattoo on their arm

If someone messes with them and they show the tattoo they will get scared Cool toga said exacited Dabi just shrugged (Urakakas pov)I stand there shook on how are little cinnamon roll deku is the leader of the yakuza

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If someone messes with them and they show the tattoo they will get scared
Cool toga said exacited
Dabi just shrugged
(Urakakas pov)
I stand there shook on how are little cinnamon roll deku is the leader of the yakuza. Iida kun we should leave we might get in trouble
Yea we should iida says but before we can get up

Windows opens)
Ah! Deku kun!
(End of urakakas pov)
I look at the three and is surprised tch guess I need to explain... i open the door and signals from them to come in. I lead then to his room and tell them to sit i then closes the door and also sits a moment of silence passes before i says so how much of that did you see?
Uhmm a-all of it urakaka says nervously.
Well if you guys wernt my friends I whould have to kill ya.
That made them all gulp nervously.
But... sense you guys are my friends you just gotta promise not to say anything to the others.
W-we promise deku kun! Urakaka says loudly. Of course iida says
I will not tell anyone todoroki says.
Good it's getting late it's really dangerous around these parts at night so you 3 should stay the night.
Okay they all say.
And don't worry my gang wont hurt you and if they do- i stops with a blank look his face suddenly turns into a villan like grin I'll kill them if they do. That made the others worry.
I gets up to get blankets but suddenly a knock at the door. Hehe I'll get it I say as I open the door to see my boyfriend kai. KAI! I yell happily as I hug him. Babe! He yells back and hugs me. I can tell the others are confused saying what happend with kai and eri and how kai was soposed to be in prison. Y-your dating overhaul iida yells. I giggle yes I am ^^
H-how I thought he was in jail! Urakaka says. Well he was but I had a member of the gang to bribe him out hehe. I plant a kiss on Kais cheek before I leave to get blankets.
Kai sits on izukus bed nervously he rememberd urakaka from the day he got eri took away.
S-so he says looking at the brown haired girl how have u been he says urakaka is shook that hed tslking to him good I guess... 
Iida realizes the awkwardness and steps in sooo hiii I'm iida this is todorki and that's urakaka he says.
I'm kai chisaki but guys might know me as overhaul.
Yeah urakaka mumbles.
You guys can just call me chisaki tho. Only izu can call me kai.
Okay understandably iida says
I come back in the room with blankets and see my bf and friends talking I'm gald you guys are getting along I say
That made them all smile I put down the blankets fir my 3friends to lay down on and I get in the bed with kai goodnight everyone they say goodnight back I turn off the light and go to bed kai wraps his arm around me which causes me to smile after a few moments I fall asleep.

What did you guys think was it good let me know in the comments sorry is theres spelling mistakes. Have a uwu day bai!

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