Damien: Lustful Flames

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This obviously includes mature themes. Please read at your own discretion.


{pov: when you first meet}


Damien: Lustful Flames

I was new at Spooky High, and to say I was annoyed was a fucking understatement. Firstly, the school sounded liked a fucking child had named it, or it came from fucking monster high! And secondly, I don't want to come to this dumb ass school anyways.

Well, I had been expelled from my previous school for arson, murder and whatever, but I didn't plan on getting expelled to this shit hole! I'm a demon to expulsion is natural to me. Correction, it's natural to ever demon. It's pretty unfair since we can't really help but be demonically rebellious.

It's in our nature to be drawn to crimes, arson and murder so it's like the cards were stacked against my species from the very start. But from what I had heard from my mutual friend who already attended the school, there were quite a few demons there who would get away with murder daily and the school couldn't care less! Finally!

My father was quite rich, and so I could afford things others couldn't - including my matte deep red Lamborghini Veneno, which I was now driving to school. Any normal person would be scared to scratch this bad boy, but I was intimidating enough that no one would even dare to even put a finger mark on it.

As soon as I pulled up in the parking lot and stepped out of my car, locking it before sliding the keys in my pocket, I heard a few catcalls before a ghostly looking girl strolled over to me carelessly. She smiled brightly but I could tell she seemed like a party and drug kind of type.

"Woah, is this beauty yours!?" She y called out, practically with stars in her eyes and she gawked at my car. "Damn you must be rich!"

She then strolled over and put her arm around my shoulder while I smirked and basked in my glory. "Hell yeah I am. I ain't no broke ass hoe, I've got my sugar daddies so I'm fucking ready to go!"

She looked up at me and laughed, then taking my hand and starting to stroll inside with me. "I like you. I can already tell we're going to be best of friends."

Time Skip:

We were now in the gym and I had noticed the students fawning over me all day, even the girls, which I'm down with. I can't lie and say I'm not hot because I am, but I sure as hell worked hard for this body so I'm going to be damn well confident enough in it! I'm a demon: I have a blood red complexion that matched my car, two horns poking out the top of my head and a large red and spike-tipped tail. I was rather curvy and thick, because a girl gotta' eat her french fries, but honestly, it just made me look better, which is surprising.

I had long raven black hair that I would usually tie up in a high pony and I often dressed like a slut, because aren't we all sluts at the end of the day? Regardless, I had non-stop states, whispers and cat calls through my day so far, and now I was in gym class.

Some girls were whispering and staring at me in the changing rooms and I can't blame them. The girl from the parking lot had in introduced herself as Polly, a partying ghost who 'lives for drugs and alcohol even though she's dead'. I already like her style, even though I don't think she understands the concept of living at this point.

Anyways, Polly had introduced me to her fishy friend, Miranda, who was basically like a princess of the sea and even had her own servants with her, which posed awkward in the dressing room, but I did like her thirst for blood!

At this point, I realised that Ihadn't brought or gotten given any gym clothes. Was I supposed to buy or bring some? Regardless, that problem was quickly solved as I lock picked the student with the most style's locker and stole one of her flashy outfits. I'm sure she won't miss it. And even if she does, if she wants it back anytime soon, she'll have to take it up with me.

Now walking out into the gym in my unique attire, I practically caught that attention of everyone with not only my sexily strange outfit, but my new meat status as well. I soon was standing at the side of the court with Polly and Miranda, simply talking about my boring backstory and what goes on in Spooky High.

I then saw this sexy red blob in the corner of my eye, and when I turned my head to stare at it, my stare turned into a gawk as I saw this male demon that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. He was literally the hottest the thing I've ever laid eyes upon - at that moment, I knew I needed him in my system, like a drug.

"Fuck... who the hell is that sex machine?" I nudged Polly as I gestured over to the sexy demon. "He's so fucking hot he might as well melt me on the spot."

Polly giggled, nudging Miranda so they could probably fangirl over this later. "He's Damien Lavey, a sexy arson and murder obsessed demon who has a thing for knives and saying fuck religiously, almost as much as you do!"

Rolling my eyes at her small comment, I redirected my eyes over to Damien to see that he was now glaring right at me and into my soul. I could honestly get lost in his eyes: they were a glowing golden colour that shone like the fucking sun. Make sense, because he's so fucking hot. More likely hotter than the sun.

I then winked at him with a smirk and a single raised eyebrow, cocking my leg out to the side and leaning on it. He smirked at my simple gesture, then beginning to head over towards us. Miranda then jumped like a fucking fan girl, understandable since I'm fangirling inside too, but he's mine so back of fish bitch. "He's coming over!"

Reaching us, he yelled at Polly with a deep, rough and hoarse voice and a slight smirk that could literally kill me on the spot. "Hey, who the fuck is this bitch?"

"She's a new student here, her name's [Y/N], and she's up for anything: murder, arson, sex, drugs, whatever. Isn't that right, [Y/N]?" Polly handed it over to me and smirked.

Rolling my eyes at her, I gave her a death glare before punching her in the gut. "Hell yeah I am; I might even murder you while I'm at it."

Damien laughed before yelling out enthusiastically. "Fuck yeah! I like you're style, hot stuff." He then smirked at me before continuing. "Maybe we could spend some times together, lighting fires, stabbing people and stuff..."

Smirking back, I swung my hair as I spun on my heel, grinning psychotically as  I glared over my shoulder. "I don't know about you, but I'm down to do all of the above. You sound exactly like my type: sexy, dangerous and probably fucking rough as hell in bed." With that, I winked and strode off in glory as I felt him smirking behind me, probably staring at my ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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