- The Window - Chapter 1 -

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   Alexander gasped. "Meredith, look!"

"What is it now, Zander?"

"It's the game that just came out, the one you wanted! Golem Fighters!" He squished his face against the glass.

"Ew.. that's not cleaned!" Meredith pulled him away. "Listen, if you really want us to play it, I can buy it." Alexander's face lit up. "Yes, please!"  She walked him inside, and picked out the game. "Alright. Let's make a deal. I wont play it until you have." Alexander nodded, agreeing to this promise. 

Meredith however, was a teenager. She gets bored easily. So, what did she do as soon as she got home? Booted up the game.

She actually took the time to read the terms of service. However.. she didn't understand one rule.

If you make the wrong choice, it can damage your life forever.

Sign here:                                                  

She rolled her eyes and just scribbled on it. However.. when she pressed next, it requested that she had another player. 

"...Shit.." However, soon, she had noticed an option to have singleplayer.  Soon, she had set up her profile, and was ready to jump into the game.

She closed her eyes, and imagined what the game would be like. Soon, she felt sick, and blacked out as soon as she opened them.

Meredith felt around. 

"Hi there, I'm Bento, your new guide for Golem Fighters!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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