How you met

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Taylor: you was walking around the mall with your friends when a boy was calling after you.
"Zayumm bae let me get yo number!"
You laughed at him at first but then gave him your number.

Cameron: you was at Starbucks working and a group of boys walk in. you spot a boy with brown hair and brown eyes and you thought he was cute. they walked over to you and ordered their drinks but cameron was the last one.
"Hello beautiful" he said smiling
"Hello what can I get for you today?" You say blushing to the fact he called you beautiful.
"Your number and a cotton candy frappe"
"Well I'll have to consider the first one but one cotton candy frappe coming up!" You said about walk away but forgot his name. "Excuse me but what's your name again?"
"Cameron" he said with a smile
"Ok cameron" You said walking away making his drink You wrote his name and my number on it. " here you go cameron make sure you read you cup very carefully" you winked before walking away.

Nash: you were at a bonfire at a beach that your friend invited you to. Y'all were talking when some one said something.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Said (y/f/n)
"Ok!" Everyone said except for you because you hate this game.
" ok Nash truth or dare" your other friend said
"Dare" a boy with blue eyes and brown hair said.
"Ok I dare you to give your number to the girl you think is the hottest"
He got up and walked over you and gave you his number. you blushed at the fact he thinks your the hottest one at the bonfire.

Hayes: you was at magcon with your best friend. You was next in line to meet the boys. once it was your turn you first met Aaron and Shawn, then jack and jack,then Taylor and Nash then finally you got to meet cameron and Hayes. Hayes was your favorite.
"Hey gorgeous how are you?"
"I'm awesome how about you?" You say blushing mad hard.
"I'm fantastic now that I've met you" he said smiling.
"What's your name?"
"Well (y/n) can I have you number?"
You nodded and gave him your number.
"I guess no love for me then" cameron said.

Shawn: you was at a concert to see the vamps. once the show starts a really attractive boy is the opening act. he stares at you the whole time he sings. You blushed. once he was done his act he went backstage. A few minutes later a large man ask you to go backstage to meet shawn Mendes after the show. After the show you go backstage and meet the boy that was on the stool playing guitar and singing. you smiled at him while looked up from his guitar and looked at you.
" there's my mystery girl,whats your name beautiful?"
"Well (y/n) can I have your number?"
"Maybe we'll have to see" you say smirking. after talking some more you gave your phone number to him.

Jack g: your friend set you up on a blind date with a guy you don't even know. your friend said he was really cute. you guys are supposed to meet at the ice cream place around from your house. A really attractive guy comes in and sits in front of you.
"Are you (Y/n)?"
"That's my name"
"Oh nice to meet you I'm jack"
"Hi jack."
"Your a lot more beautiful than the picture."
You blushed "thank you"
You talked for a long time and hit it off.

Jack j: you guys were at his house watching a movie. he was your best friend. in the middle of the movie jack paused it and faced you.
"(Y/n/n) I need to tell you something"
"What's up?"
"Well I like you, like I like you more  than a friend, and I want to know if you feel the same way?"
"Yes I've felt this way since the day we met"
He sighed of relief. "great I was freaking out!"

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