The Ministry of Essentech's secret

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Iris unclasped the locks on the window in front of her, Morgan would be coming back anytime now. She sat on her desk and opened the book she borrowed from the library. Talisman Defects. Clifford so easily chucked it away but who knows? Maybe it contains something useful? From her experience with botany even the most poisonous plants can sometimes bring health given the right circumstances.

Judging from that arrogant smile Clifford gave her earlier it'll take a bit more than just words to convince him, Iris needs concrete proof. Clifford is a valuable asset in infiltrating the university and the ministry of Essentech, a talented inventor can easily get into the inner circles of the community. He just needs a little push. Judging from the boy's reactions to her she would be forgiven to think that he likes her romantically. Not that that matters.

Of course, she wouldn't discredit Tris, if it weren't for his cousin—or what the boy believes—she wouldn't have met such an easy ticket to victory.

Iris found herself smiling—no, grinning maniacally—and shook her head. She would reveal it all to Clifford right after the whole thing. She didn't want to keep stringing the boy along that would just be plain cruel, after all.

But enough about that. She must study the book she has right now.

She opened up the bag of talismans she got from the shady dealer by the grand library. There's bound to be some defective ones in there, right? Well, surely there must be some so she should just worry about that later.

Morgan wore a slave's clothes as she walked around the ministry's halls blending herself as one of the Eligerian servants of the ministry. Most Consuls pass her by without even batting an eye, some, however, tell her to do the most miniscule of tasks. Was this another failure? She had infiltrated three places earlier today none of them gave even the slightest clue about the noble girl's disappearance last year.

Being Eligerian certainly has its disadvantages, not having a social standing gives them little to no opportunity to gather information in the higher echelons of society. In a backwater city like Dunferth keeping a low profile, listening to gossip, and pulling people in a back alley to threaten them was much, much easier.

A tap on her shoulder sent a shockwave to Morgan's concentrated mind.

"Yo!" a voice whispered in her ear, "you've been wandering around quite a lot...are you new?"

Morgan turned around to see the pale skinned, crimson eyed man--looking at least 10 years older than her--behind her.

"No need to worry too much 'round here, lass." The man placed his hands on the back of his head, "you're from the backwater islas, aren't you? Folk here at the capitol ain't that bad, the worst they do to us slaves is shout...they're too 'civilized' to hurt us."

"T-that so?" Morgan said pulling back.

"Yes, yes..." The man reached his hand out to her, "I'm Ruezell, I am your senior here."

Morgan took the hand and shook it, "Zelif..."

"That's a guy's name..." Ruezell raised one of his eyebrows. Morgan could see the skepticism in his eyes, she had used her father's name whenever she was sent for espionage. She kept her hair short like a man's too...was her disguise not enough?

"I am a gu—"

"Ah...I get it, I get're a guy, yeah...suuuuuure." Ruezell tapped her shoulders, "never seen a guy with such an effeminate face and voice but suuuure..." He smiled, Mockingly.

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